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AnaBB Cover

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Everything posted by AnaBB Cover

  1. "Store employee Emily Wynne-Hughes tells Usmagazine.com that Britney arrived at the parlor agitated and, when asked why she shaved her head, replied, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me." Hughes adds, "She wasn't making sense at all and you could tell she's not in a good place at all, and that she is totally freaking out.""
  2. There's people saying that she was sexualy assalted. I seriously hope that isn't true. But I really think she lost her mind.
  3. RUMORED TO BE TRUE: EXCLUSIVE: BRITNEY SPEARS AT CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTRE My uncle is a nurse at CSMC and texted me 10 minutes ago saying Britney Spears was admitted about an hour ago. He's going to text me when he finds out why and any more information. I'm scared! I don't know what's going on with her. UPDATE ABOUT BRITNEY SPEARS AT CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTRE I don't have many details. My uncle called and said she just left. He didn't see her or deal with her, one of his friend co-workers was around her for a minute. Somebody she was with brought her there and admitted her. His friend said she acted like she wasn't "there" and seemed disturbed. Because it's confidental, he doesn't know what she was admitted for or what she saw the doctor about, but because she's already gone home, that usually means nothing major. Oh, almost forgot, she was WEARING A DARK COLORED WIG. I'm so freaked out. I just want her to be normal and cute again like pre-Slave 4 U.
  4. Hahaha no. She drowned, she still can be saved. And she will :persuazn: If she really dies Grey's will be like The OC. :| And no one wants that.
  5. Meredith dies. But she'll come back, i'm sure i'm sure.
  6. It was amazing. I almost had a heart attack. :|
  7. Ok breath. I don't think she'll die because she's the main character, the next episode is called "some kind of miracle" <_< (It's pretty obvious she won't die with this episode's name ) and did you see the promo for next week's episode ? Christina saying :"try again". So i'm SURE () she won't die. Let's pray . I can't wait until next week.
  8. SAKS Big thanks to the original poster Now WHERE CAN I REQUEST THIS CATALOG ?
  9. Ok, I'm not SURE if this is Patricia. Vogue Italia July 2006
  10. Yes, it's the new Mexx. Thank you so much Jey.
  11. tried to quit, didn't work.
  12. Ahh I got it. Simply the best are you still having problems ? Go to the firefox folder in Documents and Settings then go to PROFILE and look for this downloads.rdf. DELETE THIS. When you open your firefox again you'll have a new downloads.rdf, so now you can save pictures again. It worked here.
  13. I don't think she'll die. I think her husband dies, but if he does, Mike will get in trouble again. <_< Hahah I can't wait either, it will be fantastic. I love Ian
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