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Everything posted by Englund

  1. her boobs look really good there. what's all that portugal thing?
  2. BPI is an international bank? do they have banks in several countries? If so, having her face in the window could be cool. I don't know.
  3. I think that's common, right? Cristiano Ronaldo was the face of one as well. I doubt he would have done it if it wasn't really good money there. she's big in Portugal. Much bigger than anywhere else. she should take advantage of it.
  4. For vogue PT again? I always like when she works for that mag. they always do such crazy, different things
  5. not my fav look. I always prefer long dresses at red carpets, especially when it's such a hyped up one
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/BfOjpgHgha9/?taken-by=jessicasimpson
  7. I am one of those who always comments how she should get "out there" and mingle. To create a name outside just a VS angel. so, even not walking, just being there, front row could do wonders. sometimes even more than walking. she has been looking perfect lately. thanks for all your work grabbing and uploading pics.
  8. it would be hard for Sara to win. Romee is always "on". meaning I doubt she ever just throws whatever and goes out in a pony and no make up. Sara has a great street game during fashion week. The rest of the time, she is, more often than not, who cares?
  9. Thanks. I really like those pics
  10. never heard of him. he created some beyonce outfits and he was the creative director of cavalli and pucci, so that's cool, right? like the pics. dislike they're so similar, but that's on them.
  11. is she going to be the face of JS? not the biggest of brands, but...
  12. How fun. Love it . I have high hopes for this video. her skills kill it, here's hoping some producer or casting director sees it and casts her in some super hero movie. Those don't usually require major acting skills and perfect English.
  13. I need to wash that pic from my eyes https://www.victoriassecret.com/fashion-show/runway-insider#wt
  14. Jesus F*cking Christ, what awful pics. Love her body in the black and white one. Strongly dislike the hair. what is that? The whole second pic if bad. stella has had better pics,and she usually doesn't get many bad ones. Josephine looks ok. Romee looks good. https://www.victoriassecret.com/vs-fashion-show/fashion-show-balmain-collection-112917
  15. No one- aside from Jo- got much airtime. I think, taking into account the amount many others got, she got a fair share. I also like the little airtime she - and everyone else - got.
  16. have you guys seen this? Not much Sara, but I quite like the overall feeling. The brunettes had the main attention. Lais looked AMAZING and lots of air time. Was this posted? I love Sara there
  17. Saw it. Oh my god. Hated it. Every bit of it. The music, candice opening. I felt I missed half the angels. I blinked and missed Sara and Taylor and almost didn't see Elsa. Lais also had less airtime than I expected. No idea why it's just Jo all the time. I like her body. But, like with Candice, she doesn't have a personality to go with it. she speaks like a baby, all sweet and crap. I guess it must work. Just not for me. I hope the rantings stink and this makes them change the team and how they go about crap
  18. Not a fan of this last look. saw the show. OH MY GOD WHAT A SNOOZE. hated everything. worst show ever. candice opening was meh. too much Jo. what the hell was up with that? I felt I hardly saw sara and Taylor. Even Elsa I felt I missed . oh well, it's done. Here's to hoping this shakes things up and they decide to change it up. the team. everything. it can't keep up like this. Not even just for Sara. The show as a whole SUCKS: Before I felt I knew who the angels were. Now I don't. too many of them. too rushed.
  19. I don't care what comes out of the show. I expect and hope some air time so she manages to draw some attention. But VFS isn't what it once was. It's not as influential. Love this pic.
  20. it's cool how they all hang out. I think they weren't doing any sort of job. they did it because they felt like it, which mean they hang out with people they really cared about. cool. was Sara the only one who didn't take a boyfriend on that trip?
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