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Everything posted by Samiot

  1. In her 'au natural' state she sure looks more like the average woman and not so 'model thin.'
  2. Unfortunately, in this case, the apple didn't fall far from the tree
  3. For a minute I thought I was looking at Gigi Paris.
  4. Well, I guess she is workin' the girls as much as she can. She knows gravity is going to catch up to her soon!
  5. I hope VS is paying attention here. This girl has the look AND some curves.
  6. From certain angles she gives off a young Toni Garrn vibe, but with a far better body!
  7. With regard to the thought that VS likes to hire girls for the fashion show who have celebrity boyfriends, it has been reported that Toni and Leo are finished.
  8. Yeah,"BrazilianDentists," are the ONLY ones in the world who can remove wisdom teeth atraumatically!! Let's see a pic 24 hours post surgery and see how ,"normal," you look and feel!! Geeesh Hope the healing goes well, my dear!
  9. Seems like old times at VS. Remember the catalogues from the eighties? Wonder if VS is getting complaints from consumers saying the products in use look a lot more sheer than the (airbrushed) images. Maybe they are going for more truth in advertising! LOL!
  10. I guess everyone has their opinion on Kate, so here's mine; With all due respect to Prettyphile and others, I see Kate much like a professional athlete. Some days she is on her game, some days not. Since she has made a career marketing one product or another to us, our opinions matter, and just like the fan in the tavern talking about Tom Brady's poor performance (for those of you who don't know, he is an American football player) one night, her fans will be cheering her stellar performance the next. This is the nature of fandom. A dissenting comment doesn't mean that we stop cheering for her, rather, we want to see her do well. And it should be noted that she has done very well. She is really one of the few contemporary models who has not been pidgeonholed into only one aspect of modeling. She does it all successfully, much like Stephanie Seymour, Kathy Ireland, Daniela Pestova et al. I remember fairly recently when Karolina Kurkova struggled to maintain her weight. Turns out she revealed she had a thyroid dysfunction. She took some time away to get it under control and clearly has now regained her form. That's what committed professionals do. Maybe there is an organic reason for Kate's weight gain too. I don't know. What I do know is that she is a professional. We are all hoping she is committed to doing what it takes too. It may be that she is pursuing acting because cinema is more tolerant of various body types. When one measures Kate against the few models that are making a living at their craft, and how many more models that are likely to be hungry for her success as well as those successful models doing what it takes to remain on top of their field, one thing is for sure; there will be no end to the opinions of her fans.
  11. Did I forget to call a cab for those girls after our last night of partying?
  12. No. This is the," Elsa conquers New York," app!
  13. Oohhh! The OLD Kate was a genuine model. The New Kate is more of a celebrity. Unfortunately, I don't think the old Kate is coming back.
  14. Masha, you know the saying, "Where there is smoke, there is fire." Time will tell.
  15. MSN is reporting that Toni and Leo have called it quits.
  16. Is there a Carl's commercial in her future?
  17. Sorry, Holland loses to Argentina every time if Yamila is representing Argentina. Holland would at least need to bring Karen Mulder for a chance at a win!
  18. Well, yes, they are deceiving you! It's actually Irina and Isabeli.
  19. Yeah, I don't know about all this, "oversharing." She needs to remember that she signed up to represent brands, and she is well compensated for that. This business of discussing her personal sexual experiences in a public forum, if she continues, will serve only to diminish her to the status of a Kardashian. On second thought, maybe she wants that exposure.
  20. Without a doubt, one of the best bods SI has ever had pose for them. Marisa really brings it!!
  21. She reminds me very much of a young Daniela Pestova
  22. Any news about Yamila, or Daniela? They were both cover girls.
  23. Caraspeckhart, are you related to Anna?
  24. Perhaps you are right Wendy. But Ed Razak thought it serious enough to warrant a statement. Let's hope it blows over.
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