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Everything posted by everyboulevard

  1. Correct. She wasn't one of the girls confirmed by The Lions.
  2. Elsa please! Otherwise you know its gonna be a "I went to bed a regular model :'D and then I woke up an angel :'D and its been so amazing :'D and now :'D I'm wearing :'D the :'D fantasy :'D bra :'D -cue rains being blessed in Africa-"
  3. Sad about neither of my two girls making it this year. Hopefully they aren't missing much, as mean as that sounds.
  4. Y'all really forgetting Jo's god awful walks in Punk Angels and Porcelain Angels?!
  5. Come on now, Robin's walk at Etam is way better than a certain model who does the gorilla arm walk!
  6. The most high profile thing Sadie has ever done before VS is she shot a few images for Burberry pre-fall back in 2010 or something. She's been modeling since 2009, and only after Sara calling Sadie her best friend and being part of that t-shirt bra event did things start happening for her, and its all been campaigns with Sara. Sara's been pulling her along this entire time. Not a stretch to assume that's why Sadie booked the show.
  7. Don't forget Roos the thief.
  8. Sofie kinda looks like a more commercial Grace. Just me?
  9. This. I've lost count of how many girls I've had to look up because who the hell are they?
  10. That's how many model squad or friend of model squad girls now?
  11. Look, I like Devon and all but she shouldn't have come back after the 2014 show because she'll never look better than her Gilded Angels look.
  12. Jas telling Shanina, Sadie basically getting it because of Sara... I smell model friends segment.
  13. Here's hoping Yasmin doesn't look bored af at the show like she does 99% of the time.
  14. #redhead like we forgot since the last picture, like we can't tell she's a soulless ginger. But meh, could do without the Erin-Jo hybrid.
  15. Here come all the #GiveBarabaraHerWings and #MakeBarabaAnAngel stans on social media.
  16. Sadie? Megan Puleri? Since I can't have Robin this year, just give me Kate G. That's all I ask.
  17. What the fuck VS? Just what the actual fuck?
  18. No thank you to Greta. She's like the budget version of Jac.
  19. Surprised to see Toni there! I thought she was done with VS for some reason.
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