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Posts posted by angelcandicebra

  1. 4 hours ago, Ichigo9 said:

    Candice is gorgeous but not  a fan of that swimsuit, the design really looks odd. I'm surprised she would be modelling another line  when she has her own? 

    This is actually an old job. It's from 2010, when she filmed a whole "show" for Marc Bouwer.  


    It will probably be a repost, but here's the show:



    There are also photos, you can see here: http://candiceswanepoel.com.br/galeria/thumbnails.php?album=488

  2. 8 hours ago, *Luna* said:

    Is she really that popular in Brazil to get followed by paparazzi or does she call them like certain other models do? :rofl: Would be great if there are any Brazilians here who could explain/shed some light on it. Her hair looks so much better now, she should definitely keep it like this and not go back to the super light blonde hair. She doesn’t look too happy in those last few pictures though... Quite pissed/annoyed. 

    She's kinda well known in Brazil because of the admiration she expresses for the country, and for appearing on Brazilian News sites sometimes (when she is in the country or when she talks about the country). Obviously she ends up being better known by the people who follow fashion, but there are a lot of people who know her only because of the good things she talks about Brazil. And the paparazzi in Brazil are smart, they don't miss any opportunity to take pictures of international celebrities, I believe they sell more (for a higher price) than the national artists

  3. I really don't understand that obsession people are having with both of them. What's wrong with them not posting pictures together? Photos on social networks don't mean a happy relationship and lack of them doesn't mean the end of relationship.

  4. It's so good that she hasn't released all the pieces at once, and is releasing little by little, so at least we always have new pictures of her. :heart:
    I'm just missing some interview, it would be nice to see her talking about Tropic of C, about the pieces and about the brand.

  5. I really wish Candice would start choosing another makeup artist instead of Carolina. I know they're friends, but I mean, look how wonderful she was in Australia with that kind of less-loaded makeup ?! Unfortunately, Carolina always exaggerates in contour and especially in her lips.

  6. Guys, apparently Candice's trip to Australia was to promote Oppo. There's a new interview with her, but I couldn't get it, can anyone try? I found it in the Daily Mail, checking the news through Google (but I think there's a part of the interview missing ...)

  7. I already expected to be expensive. The whole brand of bikini launched by a model is very expensive. But I loved the pieces, it's kind hard to find pieces like this, simple and in neutral tones, where I live. Unfortunately everything in dollars converted into the coin of my country is very expensive ? But I'm extremely proud that she took that step in her career! :heart:

  8. ^^ She probably changed, nothing wrong. I can see Candice being those mothers who post many pictures of their children, and also those childhood photos that leave their children like "oh mother, why?"  in the future, when Anacã is older and the new baby also :D

  9. I don't know if someone have already commented here (I've been traveling in the last few days, I couldn't follow here 100%), but we already have confirmation that she will even launch a collection of bikinis: this information is already on the account bio tropicofc. You already have a website, tropicofc.com if you want to access (there is still nothing there, just a warning that it is coming soon). I really can't wait for more information about it. So, yes, we'll have Candice's stuff in 2018 even though she's pregnant! I will not even comment on these comments about retirement coming from men, but ...:glare:

  10. 4 hours ago, shadowesk said:

    @angelcandicebra absolutely, i love when pics come out of Candice that raise questions about anything, i remember when some of those vs shots came out in those 'it adds 2 cup sizes' bras and people where going on about her having had a boob job lol, i feel like her body has been under more scrutiny (rightly or wrongly) since she had Anacan as its the  post baby body and thats always something fans are interested in and her body was always on point before, i personally think her body is incredible, she still had a waist for a great deal of her pregnancy, like, what?! and her post baby body absolutely rocks in my opinion

    I'm in favor of people commenting, but with limits! I've seen so many people doing body shaming with her because of the VSFS photos, it's a terrible thing to see. Her body is now constantly changing, until the Holiday was thinner, I imagine she was not getting so pessimistic in training (maybe she wasn't actually training), already in VSFS her body was more turned, stronger. 


    4 hours ago, *Luna* said:

    On a different note, do you know when her swim like is coming out? I can’t find much about it. 

    I'll tell you what I know! I'm not sure if she will launch a bikini line, since the news of the Brazilian site nothing more was said. But since she's shooting on the beaches, she's very likely to be!
    About when it will be pitching, I think it depends. If she's going to follow the Brazilian summer, it must be soon, because summer here starts next week, if she's going to follow the American summer, I think it'll take a little longer, since it's winter there now, isn't it?

  11. 2 hours ago, shadowesk said:

    @angelcandicebra well then mistaken about me being mad, that's ok,  i know, when the rumours first started after the vs show, or during i guess technically i stayed out of the conversations, one because i thought it was all rubbish and it was just the weight of the wings/unfortunate angles etc, plus that discussion/fight got heated to hell for no real reason at all and i wanted no part of that, i just keep seeing some shots that make me question, that's all, and i like talking about this and other stuff, i'm very curious, i dont usually talk on here because some people have a tendency to fight you on things, nonsense, and im not interested in that, im not for a moment saying she IS pregnant, just discussing questionable shots :dry:

    Yes, sorry for not understanding you! And I know you're not saying this :D it was one more comment overall, people in general are doing it.  At some point, some photo will come out, or she will speak (if she is pregnant, I don't think she will pronounce it if she is not), and this project will probably come out at the beginning of the year, so it's not that far to see the result!

  12. 3 hours ago, shadowesk said:

    i'm not mad, this is why so many arguments start here because someone always seems to think someone is saying something out of anger or hatred or to prove one is right over the other, i was just saying, its ok to talk about what someone thinks about something, a full on argument started here earlier because one person said it looked as though Candice had some sun damage, like a full argument about it, this is taken so seriously and it's madness, i'm surprised anybody is still here there are so many confrontations about nothing really, i think there was more to that pic than just a baggy t-shirt and a windy day or shorts that do something to bulk her out, but its ok to say that whether we know something or not, i know we don't know if she is or not and if she is she will say but since she has said nothing and there has been more than one pic where she has looked a bit POSSIBLY pregnant, i don't see why its such a trigger to some to talk about, peace to you too :D

    You seemed a little to me, that's why I said ;) Anyway, I still don't think she's pregnant, since in early November she had a belly flattened in Vitória, as well as some photos of the VSFS.
    The show was the first time we actually saw her belly without retouching, and maybe people were hoping to see the same belly as before their pregnancy. As long as she doesn't speak I won't make any deductions through images, because not always what we see in them are true. 

  13. 2 hours ago, shadowesk said:

    whether it will change or not, obviously it will not, however my opinion is my opinion which i shall express, i don't personally believe that that belly is caused by the shorts, or the wind or non existent purse, also she flew New York, Paris and to shanghai when she was pregnant with Anacan early in 2nd trimester, she was also pregnant shooting some vs stuff which was shot in Miami i believe so she flew there too, anyway, i'm not saying she is or not but this is a forum talking about Candice and some shots of her have been of her looking as though she MAY be pregnant, and its ok to talk about it

    You don't have to be mad, honey! As you expressed your opinion, I expressed mine. #paz ;)

  14. 1 hour ago, shadowesk said:

    if you zoom in on Candice in that shot, i don't know if its angles or what but, that belly though, looking a bit rounded?

    I think it must be the shorts, it happens sometimes with me giving me a belly that I don't have. :glare: I don't think she'd be working, and probably shooting in a bikini, if she was pregnant. She traveled from Brazil to NY, from NY to Turks & Caicos, and from there to Fernando de Noronha in a very short period of time. But I repeat, if she is pregnant she will tell, try to guess whether or not she is, it won't change much.

  15. 1 hour ago, dozensofrosas said:

    Oops! I really thought it was for her line bc I read an article where they said she was shooting in Dec for it.


    These shots look gorgeous.

    It could be both! By the way today is just the first day, so still have to shoot more (maybe the possible bikini line)

  16. 10 minutes ago, MissNessie said:

    I wouldn't believe this site! It is extremely sensationalist! In this article there is no source who says that she is pregnant, they made a "deduction" because of the photos of the show in which her belly appears more prominent.

    If she is pregnant she will tell, I'd rather wait for her words than hear this site.

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