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Everything posted by Lowlapez

  1. Maybe I'm just being overly Polyanna, but it wouldn't look half as bad if they just took off the pants and gloves
  2. Love the sketch of the nebula wings..missed that before..
  3. I'm jealous.. Ok, so are we placing bets as to who will be 'standing on the table' this year? If the nepos get up there I will eye roll until I pass out
  4. the angels always arrive later
  5. I think they will have rain falling around the outer edge of the runway...like a curtain between the runway and audience
  6. yay! black robe (things are looking up) Snapchat filter is one of the only smart thing vsfs marketing has done yet..I like it
  7. oooh! Tough Love!! Another underrated segment that will take us off topic again...(sigh, missing Todd Thomas). I don't think they were from the Punk segment last year
  8. I agree..I wasn't a huge fan of the collaboration last year w Balmain.. it seems like it's trying too hard. Like VS is saying, "our own stuff isn't good enough for an entire show anymore, so let's promote another brand/designer"
  9. Ok..Carl is giving me nightmares
  10. really? I thought Jo's wings were bigger (parachute-like)
  11. Yes, and the other wings in that section are half shown on the left, plus Jo's wings makes the three wings in this segment
  12. I agree, the collection looks like a cross between Laura Ashley and Fabletics
  13. I was joking!!! Her body is fantastic! I think it didn't get enough attention because her face was so unique and beautiful and cute
  14. true!...Sorry, I think people are just killing time bc everyone is sleeping and there is no media/news yet
  15. Miranda's body was never appreciated enough because of her damn dimples 🤣
  16. oh! and shipwrecked...gorg! loved! sigh! (all the outfits were simple and from the same color scheme/palatte)
  17. Loved this and almost every outfit in this segment...I think 2013 was beautifully done (other than pink, which is always the comic relief)
  18. yeah..that's it besides a small part of Martha's outfit
  19. were those paparazzi pictures of her leaving the building? If they were, the poor girl looks like she's holding back tears...I'm sure her other outfit is better. It must be awful to work so hard on your body for months and then have it covered up
  20. Lily's lingerie set was gorg!! The color is so beautiful...no wonder she stole it from Magda (bah-bye!)... Jo should have stolen a page out of Lily's book 😷
  21. ...Glitter Runway would be cheaper too...maybe instead of the LED panel walkway that no one wants, we could go back to three looks for the angels
  22. YYYAAAAASSSSSS! Going all the way back to '95 I would love to see a FB with gold caging like Lais' bra, but with black diamonds or onyx stones...'black swan fantasy bra'
  23. worst FB- Lily 2014, Marissa 2009? best- Tyra 2004, Candice 2013, Lais 2017
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