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Everything posted by Likaa

  1. Why don't we just copy the name from Game of Thrones and call it Drogon the Dragon?
  2. Cindy's and Sara's wings look so pretty! I can't wait to see them in motion!
  3. They are getting ready for the second show right now
  4. https://scontent-amt2-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.9792-15/e35/14553430_1420491301583850_3837793496496865280_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTM5NTEyNzMxMDEzNDU2Njc5OQ%3D%3D.2&se=7 Keke in SA?
  5. Devon's outfit is actually looking really really great! But are the outfit and the shoes one piece?
  6. So in her first show as an angel Josephine opened a segment, got the swarovski outfit and closed the show? not bad.
  7. Joan wore these big wings and there is nobody behind her
  8. Do we even know if Lily got the wing? I haven't seen a picture or video of it
  9. Devon was in DA, right? Does anyone know if she has a second outfit?
  10. Adriana already opened a segment last year and the year before and basically every year since she started to walk in the show. Why couldn't anyone else open her segment before? She opens segments because she is good at it and Lily looked good in 2014. So why not let her do it again?
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