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Everything posted by Likaa

  1. The first taping is in two hours, right?
  2. Both of Georgia's outfits seem to be black. SA and DA?
  3. Does anyone know when they are starting tomorrow and at which time we'll get the first pictures? I need to know when I have to leave work
  4. Thanks for the video! It looks like Kelly is in MR and BNA
  5. yes, it looks like that. Valery has one outfit
  6. I don't speak Portuguese but she said Bright Night Angel so I would take that as a confirmation
  7. A while ago she wrote on Instagram that one of her outfits is for Africa, so TRA would make sense
  8. According to the latest board the order is TRA, MR, Pink, SA/DA (I can't remember which comes first), BNA
  9. There are at least two pairs of wings in Pink. One is a giant bow and seems to be part of the opening outfit and the other one is made of many small bows. I think Grace will wear the second wings.
  10. So what does Asian mean in the USA? For me, everyone who is from east of the Urals and the Caucasus is Asian because that's where Asia is. Asia is more than just China.
  11. I don't think that Grace will open Pink but the rest is probably true
  12. We can see another model (has anyone identified her?) walking before Ale, so it's possible for her to close but she definitely doesn't open.
  13. Sanne is wearing the same boots as Adriana, so she is in SA
  14. Joan will be in Dark Angel. I have no idea from which segment Lily's shoes are. Bright Night Angel perhaps?
  15. http://scontent-amt2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.9793-16/15292341_1863263273907985_6586390785741029376_n.mp4 video from the rehearsal
  16. I'm not sure if this is part of her look for the show, it's probably just the outfit she is wearing today
  17. I have no idea who mistery girl is but I am sure she is already confirmed to be in the show. So it doesn't really mean anything.
  18. I don't think Ming will open Pink. In my opinion, two of Devon/Gigi/Rachel will open and close Pink.
  19. Sanne wasn't in Pink last year so I doubt she'll be this year (unless she has 2 outfits)
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