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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. It's not about nudity, it's about wanting for photos not meant for public to leak. Those are two different things.
  2. They will stop because they'll lose their audience. People who actually still purchase (lol) Swimsuit Issue are not doing it so that they can watch few fatties roll over the beach like stranded whales. True. Being a VS Angel means literally nothing these days. If you asked some random person who the Angels are I bet they would still name Ale, Adriana, Candice, Gisele... New girls are literally unknown to the general population.
  3. I wonder if her working now more with VS has lowered her chances of landing the cover.
  4. They've all shot at different locations but it all looks like it was shot at the same spot.
  5. She looks nice but another celeb that didn't even try to fit the theme.
  6. It's disappointing that models of all people attending are the ones having the most trouble with getting with the theme. I would expect them to be the most bold on the carpet, yet they're all so forgettable.
  7. Gorgeous, but she didn't even bother with the theme.
  8. lolololol On the Met Gala official insta account, they named her husband Jared Kushner. Also, her look doesn't have anything to do with the theme.
  9. She's gonna be at MET gala, can't wait to see what she'll wear.
  10. What a topic to have people starting to post on the forum. 😅
  11. Schemer

    Emma Stone

    One day, she'll injure herself because of that dumb hat. 🤣
  12. Anna Wintour doesn't send (most of) invites, fashion brands do. So if Candy is to go, she will most likely be sponsored by some fashion designer.
  13. Seriously, she looks emaciated.
  14. They're doing international press tour for this small movie? Good luck selling any tickets with Avengers dropping at the same time. I'll check out the movie when it's available on VOD.
  15. Could be, or maybe some big agent is switching agencies and is bringing their clients with him/her.
  16. Schemer

    Emma Stone

    ^thanks for the SNL pics. No point in reporting if you guys ain't gonna do a thing about it anyways. The person insulted me first, then it went from there so don't you just pin this on me alone. --- Anyways, I'm done talking about this since nothing is going to be done. I'm still waiting for the forum to be repaired, something I've reported numerous times and it hasn't been fixed yet. So from now on, I'll just shut up and you guys won't hear from me complaining anymore. Since it doesn't seem to bother any other user but me.
  17. I don't know what the new agency can bring to her that the previous did not. It's not like you'd hire Candice based on the agency she's in, you hire her because she's Candice Swanepoel. CAA is not a small agency but it's still smaller than WME/IMG she was with up until now.
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