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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Maybe there is some kind of photoshoppers' union that requires by union laws to retouch every photo at 20% minimum? That's the only reasonable explanation with some of these pictures.
  2. Yeah good job being unhealthy She is not unhealthy. Not even by a long shot.
  3. There is no need for that kind of reply from you. Sure I could start pulling out bunch of gifs too but that wouldn't lead to anywhere productive. I never understood why people join public forums and then get agitated as soon as someone disagrees with them.
  4. Kate already has a lot bigger (and more respectable) career than ANS had and isn't too far of eclipsing Stephanie's too (if she hasn't already). And nobody in general public really knows who Dioni or Marloes are. I would have to say the same for Stephanie as well. SS was amazing but the hight of her career was in pre-internet boom era, so not a lot of people actually remember her.
  5. Why insulting? Agency will probably earn more money off her than those you have mentioned combined. And I'm no Kardashian fan by any stretch of imagination, I'm just being real. It's just business.
  6. And good for her. If she doesn't have to starve herself and still pull in top money, more power to her.
  7. http://distilleryimage10.ak.instagram.com/623dc006530211e3a0a00e0a1b2b9a73_8.jpg Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. This include images from facebook, instagram, tumblr, twitter, VK, etc. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  8. Huh....so her real name is Antonia. Didn't know that.
  9. The sexiest man/woman things are just PR agencies doing their job. Nice publicity but far from any attempt of objectivity.
  10. Some of you need to resolve your personal issues over Private Messages and stop spilling the hatred over the topic. Little bit maturity goes the long way.
  11. That watermark is too small, he should've made it even bigger.
  12. Maybe it's for lip-sync video of Swift's song for VSFS? Or did they already tape that?
  13. If forum's servers blow up in flames, we'll have to send the bill to Doutzen.
  14. Fair enough, we'll see soon enough.
  15. Or she's in New York and it's f-ing cold outside so she wears warm clothes. Go figure.
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