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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Schemer


    Raise your hand if you're hot.
  2. She somehow managed to make that cast look fashionable.
  3. That should be a job for politicians, not celebrities.
  4. I don't think Sara would need to be someone's beard. She's too successful in her own right and he is not famous enough to offer any publicity for her (which is usually an important part of bearding). Dude just looks like he has a resting bitch face.
  5. What kind of an angle is this, lol?
  6. It's a TV show and yes they promote TV shows too. This is one of those limited shows that are really popular right now. That way they can get more famous movie stars to do projects like these. For example Maniac with Emma Stone. She'd never commit to many seasons of a TV show, but 10 episodes on Netflix is cool. It's like a long movie.
  7. Does she have a role in the TV show? I know she had a cameo in The Neon Demon also directed by Refn.
  8. This is how the whole conversation started, not whether nipples are scary or not.
  9. Karlie doing some Eyes Wide Shut thing, huh? 😎 Fidelio! Fidelio!
  10. Be careful with torrents. It entirely depends on your intenet provider but you can get in a lot of trouble for torrenting. Best thing to do is first invest few dollars a month into a good VPN and then do the rest. Then again, you can be in a country that doesn't give a damn about piracy so you're safe.
  11. VSFS started declining the day they decided to stop making it about sex. They are a lingerie brand, their job is to sell sex. That's what it is. When that Super Bowl Jackson/Timberlake fiasco happened and VSFS got canceled that year for being too sexy, it's never been the same. Now it's just a pathetic costume show that tries to be kids friendly as much as possible. Every time brands turns their backs on what made them who they are it comes back to haunt them. (like now with SISE) shrugs
  12. lol, she didn't disappear into obscurity. She just had a kid.
  13. Famous last words of every men's magazine who tried to rebrand. And flopped.
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