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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. That Turki guy is 100% making a move. Also, Doutzen's boobs are completely gone.
  2. He's slowly turning into Jack Nicholson.
  3. I'm a fan of women wearing suits, so this is ❤️ for me.
  4. I'm just gonna say this, considering Victoria's Secret closeness with Jeffrey Epstein, I don't trust a damn thing that comes from them. Also to any model who comes saying that they were never abused, who said anything about them having to be abused? Even if any of them had a consensual relationship with Epstein, it doesn't mean it's a right thing and it also doesn't mean that Victoria's Secret are blameless. I would LOVE for the whole company to crash and burn but we all know that's never gonna happen.
  5. She's too old for Leo, plus she has kids. Leo's current gf is 22 year old.
  6. People will always find something to complain about.
  7. Thanks for the clips, I think she did well with little that she had to do.
  8. I like her on Euphoria.
  9. I was really surprised when I saw her in the new Spiderman movie. She did really well with the small part that she had. Hopefully Marvel will expand on her character in one of the future movies.
  10. You guys wanna do some gossip? What do you think about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein#Personal_life Also: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-13/a-billionaire-and-a-sex-offender-the-wexner-and-epstein-ties
  11. Chandler Parsons had reputation of being a playboy before she started dating him, I don't know what was she exactly expecting from him? A normal relationship with a guy who tries to sleep with every chick he comes across? I don't understand this part. Is she saying that she never dated anyone because of the agents called her but then she says that she was in relationships because she was approached by agents? Maybe it's a bad translation? I'm not saying that it was contracted relationship but even if it was, I'm sure she would never publicly admit it.
  12. Schemer

    Susan Sarandon

    You don't have to quote the photos right above your post, ffs.
  13. When you're trying to reach the word count on your essay.
  14. She's 17. Let's not talk about her breasts, OK?
  15. she's really good on Euphoria
  16. OH MY GOD! A NIP SLIP!!!!!?????
  17. Schemer

    Emma Stone

    Did she injure her arm?
  18. Being attached to bad projects can have a negative impact on her future earnings. Also, people love to hear positive things about their work, not negative reviews. Imagine you made something and everyone said that it sucked? It would not affect you at all? (I can't believe that I just had to explain that)
  19. She seems very charming but she's really been out of luck recently and it's not her fault. The last season of The Game of Thrones and the new X-Men movie have all been very harshly criticized.
  20. Yas! Tropic of C posts were getting boring. Candy looks the best in lingerie.
  21. I guess I was right. Ever since she left, the show went downhill.
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