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  1. I'm so glad to know who was the lovely face in #14!! I know very little about any of these models, as during the 80s I had a baby, was playing busy Momma and developing a career as an amateur flamenco dancer! I just adored the styles in the 1980s, the colors, the elegance!! Miss the 80s--I think we had more choices in cuts and colors, definitely in fabrics as well! Thanks to all who contribute so much here!! xoxo
  2. As I have trouble sometimes being able to tell which entry belongs to which post, I'm not sure if there was an ID on this model. Does anyone recognize her face? This is from one of Rocketqueen's GRAZIA group on p. 19.
  3. Thanks to all who have posted such lovely pics!
  4. These are all absolutely gorgeous!! I'd never heard of her before. Does anyone know where she came from? What a gorgeous face!!
  5. Just want to say a big thanks for whoever is posting the bridal shots - I think she looks better in these than in a lot of other stuff, and she seems to enjoy them. I'm enjoying my inner child!
  6. Can someone tell me why the Image Search function no longer seems to work? I keep getting an error message every time I try to upload an image. Thanks!
  7. Thank you so much, Kim, I'll bet your right! I've never heard of her. You're a genius!! xoxo
  8. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question, but I wondered if anyone can recognize this face from 1981? Keepsake jewelry, Glamour magazine, December 1981.
  9. @mingopants, Thank you so much, you're a wiz!!!
  10. Don't know who this woman is, can anyone help?
  11. Oh, right, that's great. I knew I knew that face! Thanks so much!
  12. This girl looks familiar, but I can't place her, can any of you? She showed up on Pinterest in several ads for Turkish company Aker, modelling scarves. Thanks!
  13. I found this in Pinterest, no info available, via Google search either. Anyone recognize her?
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