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Everything posted by Ange

  1. here's her first runway shot at Valentino, Roma.
  2. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! I just saw those on getty. Merci Vini. Lovely, I love noir, Garavani & Poly of course.
  3. Nothing's official until I hear a Valentino quote. Anyways merci Betty I hope she's at Valentino tonight. :woot:
  4. I'm so confused now, is he offically retiring? Yes or no, anybody how would liek to help me with this question please do. Merci Betty I adore the first picture, stunning. I love her versatility. She's such a great model.
  5. NVM... oh mon dieu. I over reacted, I was reading this French article and it mentioned that he might retire, which I already knew. I'm loosing my mind or I can't understand French anymore :| I'll go edit my previous post
  6. Report from Roma: Valentino is retiring. :shock: :shock: :cry: Apparently, I hope he doesn't.
  7. Aha, I had to edit this part, seeing as I cannot read anymore. Oops...
  8. Ange


    Ughhh, what's with all these mammoth responses? Anyways, all I have to say on the whole RM issue, I agree with eNe, I think Chivu be a good addition to the defence. Well maybe then throw Cannavaro out on the bench. He didn't perform how he did during the world cup for us. What about a pairing of Chivu & Ramos? I like it.
  9. Ange


    I saw him, he just came back again. I have no idea what they're thinking, but I it appears that Malouda is going to London, so maybe we'll capture Robben. But it's Metz, he's not that outstanding, nor has Cannavaro been for us. Aha, keyword being apparently. Yes, apparently I saw an UFO this morning. It was sensational. MT, he's growing up and improving. I guess we'll see next season how everything goes.
  10. Gang Star par Camilla Akrans tfs c'est g
  11. :rofl: You guys are funny. Anthony... sun kissed beach boy.
  12. Daria just edged out DK, weeeeeee! LD
  13. Like she said she's going away for a week or more. I just you two are stuck with me...aha.
  14. Ed! A member who grows the freaky eggplant. :|
  15. oh I forgot to add: :CHICKEN:!

  16. FOOD FIGHT! take that carrot!

  17. 1.Eva Longoria (2) 4.Jessica Biel (4) 5.Heidi Klum (0) 6.Avril Lavigne (5) 7.Hayden Panettiere (5) 8.Julia Stegner (4) 9.Selita Ebanks (3)
  18. There will be even more hilarious conversations than that Aha, you know it! Um... I'd have to think about it...it'll come to me in the morning, promise but for now my mind is
  19. Everybody! A member who from the sunshine capital of South America, this being Brazil.
  20. Is it that good? Maybe I'll watch it too.
  21. ^ for once, aha kidsss Bienvenue! enjoy your carrousel ride of BZ, it's going to be a heart beat thriller.
  22. ^ Aha, she is cold...using inferior words to label people. *sigh* Aha, of course; I'm already sweating Will you beat Cypress, Thiago? I want this race to end at some point! Like now.
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