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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. thanks Lexoooo. Oh god school tomorrow. blah.

  2. Ahahhaha ever try snowboarding?

  3. Aha I think i'll miss you the most (don't tell Bella) 90 minutes to go!

  4. Soy Soy! I haven't seen you for ages. What's up ?

  5. Ahhahaha okay, but put the video on hold, because first I have to go to my vacation. Will you miss me? I'm jetting off to Paris today and I come back home in the afternoon on March 18th. I'll buy you souvenir and come visit you in Romania :p Byeeee & Ciao.

  6. Oh ha! No no no silly, I'm not moving, I'm packing because I leave today because I'm traveling to Paris. Ending? What do you mean? Our Spring Break just started like 3 days ago :p Have a great weekend. byeeee & Ciao.

  7. whoa, that's really good. Great job. I'm good, tired from packing but ugh thank god for March break eh?

  8. Lexie, how did your tests/exams go?

  9. Ahahha, I'm hopeless in Canadian geog. Oh awesome how was Italia?

  10. Ahhahahahhahaha you dirty little children :p Can I be the camera shooter? lol

  11. OH MY JESUS! Fine only you can rummage through the "naughty" box, there's actually a few. Andrea eh? :laugh:

  12. Ahahhaha good one. I want to go to Brazil! Don't you?

  13. but what? *thinking*

  14. I read, and I have nothing. Still thinking :p

  15. yay, okay I haven't read the message yet, but I'm going to go read it now.

  16. Yessers! I left you a comment on youtube.. ahaha hopefully that's you. I'm scubadivee!

  17. Hey! Mikey! :p

  18. Ahahha! Hey sexy, how you doin? I let them burn, burn bitches burn :ninja: No, I ran them over and killed them first, them buried them dead. Life is so full of mistakes. You can't get anything right like a name eh? JESUS people these days!

  19. Reals? I say 3:1 Man U

  20. TK! Predictions? Man U / Liverpool game?

  21. Oh you know, you get that title from last night! lol. Well 3 of them are cremated already, 5 of them are still in critical condition (damnit), 6 of them are paralyzed head to toes, and the rest of them I buried myself :ninja:

  22. I thought you lived in Germany?

  23. ahaha no worries, I don't know any German geography at all.

  24. Ah pretty much so. I learned french too, and I live in Ontario :p

  25. Ahahha no worries, ananas is pineapple in French

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