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Everything posted by Joana

  1. guys i saw at mh that andrew is thinking in retire... it cannot be true!
  2. he look gorgeous on that one! well this mean war , cause bruno is mine !
  3. thanks guys for all the pics. can't wait to see all fernanda's new editorial to TOP Magazine.
  4. Found this ones at ego.com.br. Fernanda and Murilo at Mario Testino homage in last wednesday, may 16th, copacabana palace, rio de janeiro, brazil.
  5. here´s the same new, but in other site. From: www.terra.com.br - may,14th 2007 Original new: --------------- Grávida, Fernanda Tavares faz ensaio para revista Fernanda Tavares faz primeiro ensaio grávida Fernanda Tavares, que espera um filho do noivo, o ator Murilo Rosa, fez o primeiro ensaio após a confirmação da gravidez. As fotos estão na edição deste mês da revista TOP Magazine. A top model aparece de camisa e calça jeans em uma das fotos e a barriga ainda não indica a gravidez. No intervalo do ensaio, Fernanda matou a fome com um prato de arroz, feijão e batatas fritas. Fernanda namora o ator Murilo Rosa há três anos e meio. Translated new: -------------------- Pregnant, Fernanda Tavares do a photoshoot for magazine Fernanda Tavares do her first photoshoot being pregnant Fernanda Tavares is expecting a child from his fiancé, the actor Murilo Rosa, did her first photoshoot after confirm her pregancy. The photos are in this month edition of the TOP Magazine. The top model appears wearing a shirt and jeans in one of the photos, but she didn't show any belly. In the shoot break, Fernanda ate a plate of rice, beans and chips. She dates the actor Murilo Rosa for 3 and half years.
  6. fernanda's fresh news! Original new: --------------- "Top Mother" Clicada por Felipe Lessa, da TOP Magazine, no início do mês, a futura mamãe Fernanda Tavares esbanjou boa forma. Com uma barriguinha ainda enxuta, a bela não dispensou um bom prato de arroz, feijão e batata frita em sua primeira sessão de fotos após o anúncio da gravidez. from: WWW.PIXMAGAZINE.COM.BR 16.05.07 Translated new: ------------------- "Top mother" Shoot by Filipe Lessa of Top Magazine, in the beginning of the month, the future mother Fernanda Tavares show good shape. With a small belly yet, the beautiful model didn't say no to a plate of rice, beans and chips in her fist session, after annouced her pregnancy.
  7. I capt this at style.com. Magdalena in the right side. This girl is everywhere!
  8. thanks for all magdalena's great pics!
  9. guys what do you think, fernanda will have a baby girl or a baby boy?
  10. thanks faith. it's probably the best editorials that she did!
  11. faith she made 2 editorials for that magazine?
  12. love each one of that! can't wait to see the rest
  13. thanks faith. fernanda look gorgeous!
  14. you'r welcome. andrew for giorgio armani sunglasses
  15. you'r asking where does he live? i guess is from London. UK.
  16. Fernanda's pregnancy Original new: Top Fernanda Tavares e Murilo Rosa estão grávidos A modelo Fernanda Tavares, 26, e o namorado, o ator Murilo Rosa, 36, estão esperando o primeiro filho. O casal não quis fazer alarde sobre a notícia e preferiu comemorar a gravidez nesta terça-feira, 3, em Natal, em almoço no restaurante Buongustaio, junto à família da top. Segundo a coluna “Persona”, do jornal “O Estado de S. Paulo”, Fernanda e Murilo brindaram a novidade com o cantor e pai da modelo, Fernando Luiz, a madrasta, Joelma, e as duas irmãs, Luana e Luisa. Fernanda Tavares está com quase dois meses de gravidez, mas o casal ainda não definiu a data do casamento. Translation: The model Fernanda T., 26, and her boyfriend, the actor Murilo R., 36, are expecting fot their first child. The couple didn't want to comment the new and decided to celebrate the pregnancy this Tuesday, 3, in Natal, lunching int the Buongustaio restaurant with the Fernand´s family. According to "Persona" of the "O estado de S.Paulo" newspaper, the couple celebrate the new with the singer and Fernanda's father, Fernando Luiz, and her stepmotherJoelma and her sisters, Luana and Luisa. Fernanda is 2 months pregnant, but the couple didn't decided the wedding date.
  17. Fernanda's for Woman Magazine April issue Original new: Fernanda Tavares faz ensaio sensual em revista espanhola A top model brasileira Fernanda Tavares, 26 anos, posou para o editorial da edição de abril da revista espanhola Woman. As fotos mostram Fernanda Tavares em diversos modelos, e foram tiradas no Arts Hotel, no início de março, em Barcelona. A modelo contou à revista sobre sua estréia nos cinemas. Ela participou do filme francês Gomez contre Tavarèz, no qual vive uma ex-presidiária brasileira chamada Francesca. O filme estréia em julho deste ano na Europa, e não tem previsão de estréia no Brasil. Translation: Fernanda Tavares does a sexy shoot for spanish magazine The brazilian top model Fernanda Tavares, 26 years old, posed for the editorial of april issue of the spanish magazine Woman. The photos show Fernanda Tavares wearing diferent models and were shooted in Arts Hotel in the begining of March, in Barcelona. The model told to the magazine her debut in the cinema. She participated in the french movie Gomez contre Tavarez, in which she liver the character of a ex-presidiary called Francesca. The movie gets to the cinemas at July in Europe, not knowing when it gets to the Brazil.
  18. 2 fresh news! 1st one: Fernanda's sexy editorial for the spanish magazine Woman April isssue (source: http://exclusivo.terra.com.br/interna/0,,O...EI1118,00.html) 2nd one: Fernanda is PREGNANT!!! (source: http://gazetaonline.globo.com/entretenimen...p;cd_site=0844)
  19. My top 10 male models ---------------------------- 1. Andrew Cooper (of course!) 2. Will Chalker 3. Danny Beauchamp 4. Caleb Lane 5. Boyd Holbrook 6. Andrew Smith 7. David Genant 8. Ryan Heavyside 9. Carson Parker 10. Jamie Dornan
  20. Campaing: Calvin Klein Season: Fall/Winter 2004 Models: Jamie Dornan & Natalia Vodianova Ph: ?
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