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Uncle Mike

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Everything posted by Uncle Mike

  1. Thanks, Nine. I'm glad to know that you are doing well.
  2. Hi, Miss Nine. How have you been doing, my young friend? I think about you so often, but never seem to get around to writing. I've always struggled with "intending to do things", and now my failing memory makes it even worse. *winks & grins* Are you still in college, or have you graduated? Married or engaged? I'd love to hear an update on your life, if you feel like sharing. Talk to you soon...... xxxooo, Uncle Mike
  3. Hi, maddog107. I'm otay, for an old fart. hehe I've missed everyone. I spent so much time in forums, I think I "burned-out". It's hard to come back after losing the desire and taking a long break. I'm trying to work my way back into a regular routine. I have gotten hooked on hockey, and spend most evenings on the couch while watching the games. I get 4 or more games per night with the NHL Center Ice Pkg on DirecTV. I really love this Black & Yellow Skin. Will it be avail with the new IPB software? I hope so. TTYL, Uncle Mike
  4. I chose the Black & Yellow Skin for Bellazon. It looks incredible! I just have one complaint. The smilies have a white border around them, and that distracts from the effects of the smilies. Can that be corrected? Thanks, Uncle Mike
  5. Natalie is awesome! She is a great golfer, and victories are coming. At least she looks good while trying. Many in the LPGA are ugly & overweight, but Natalie is very feminine and looks like a bodybuilder. She has her own show on The Golf Channel. Check it out. There's another "Babe" in the LPGA to keep an eye out for. Her name is Paula Creamer. She likes to wear pink, and is so damn cute! Plus, she has won some.
  6. Thanks, shiyan. I found your index, and downloaded the movie. I went to eBay, and ordered the DVD.
  7. Hi, maranix. How you doin? I've missed everyone from JosieFreaks. Thanks, shiyan, for the link to The Gravedancers. That's an awesome gift. But, I didn't see a link for The Mallory Effect in your other post. All I found was a link to a few pics. Can you share that movie, as well? How did you obtain the movie? Is it avail somewhere? Thanks, for any help.
  8. OMG!!! What a pic!!! I haven't been around in a long time, and have lost touch with Josie news & pics. I guess I need to visit on a regular basis. Has Josie had her baby yet? Boy or girl? I'll check back soon for any replies. I hope everyone has been doing well. I'm OK, just dealing with the effects of aging. hehe
  9. Markeee posted some news in JosieFreaks: Josie has been cast in yet another movie! Filming will begin in July. It's called "The Final Season", and is based on a true story about a small town's baseball team. Josie will play a lawyer. Cool, huh? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0449018/ http://www.finalseason.com/ March 23rd Update: Amy Acker was unable to participate, due to a prior committment, so the role was then given to Josie. You go, Girl!!!
  10. Thanks, Neo. Is she precious, or what?
  11. C'mon, you gotta watch all of it. I would have been disappointed with it if I had paid to see it. But I thought it was a good effort by a bunch of people just like us. I appreciate all the work that they obviously put into that project. I watched Attack of the Clones tonight. I hadn't seen it since it was at theaters. Now I feel primed to go see The Revenge of the Sith.
  12. Happy Birthday, Neo! I hope you have a great day! And I hope that the coming year will be full of good things for you, like meeting Adriana.
  13. Now, tell us how you really feel. I just watched "Star Wars: Revelations". I actually enjoyed it. The acting is a bit lame, but not bad for a bunch of amateurs. It doesn't have the quality of George's films, but I was impressed. The background scenes and the special effects were pretty good, even though they were on a $20,000 budget. I was entertained for the entire 40 minutes of the film. The movie lays the foundation for The Rebellion that we saw in the original Star Wars. My only real disappointment, was that it ended too soon. I wanted more, but the rest of the story is in George's films. I was able to get the soundtrack in Mp3 format. http://www.chrisbouchard.tk/
  14. Ready for more Star Wars? There is "Star Wars: Revelations". Some fans have been making this movie for the past three years. It was featured on CBS News tonight. George Lucas OK'd the project, as long as it was free to the public. It is! I haven't watched it yet, but the previews looked pretty good. http://www.panicstruckpro.com/revelations/...ions_movie.html You can download it as a QuickTime Movie, a Windows Media Video, or a DVD. You can also get the Official Movie Poster, and Artwork for the CD and DVD, such as labels and liner notes. There is a link for the soundtrack, but WinZip says that the file is incomplete, so I couldn't get the music. Maybe it's not avail yet. The download link takes you to a list of sites that have the movie, but I couldn't get most of them to work. They may close, periodically, due to bandwidth usage. I'm including the link that I did use. Hopefully it will work for you, too. http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/media/StarWars-Revelations/ Enjoy!
  15. I had another dream about Josie last night. I had turned my house into a museum of Josie stuff. I had pics, autographs, and memorabilia on display. People were lined up, waiting to tour it. When Josie finally arrived, I woke up.
  16. The Gravedancers is in post-production, but still not sure about a release date. A deal was made with a company that wants to distribute the film. http://www.fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=3979
  17. This link was posted in JosieFreaks Forum, along with a couple of pics. http://www.spirituallingerie.com To see the pics, go to : http://www.josiemaran.tv/forums/ 'Josie in Lingerie' > Standard Size Pics > Page 2 (One of the pics is of Josie's 'sweet hiney' -- )
  18. I just noticed that Joss is scheduled to be on Craig Ferguson, tonight after the David Letterman Show. (12:35 am Eastern/11:35 Central)
  19. Happy Belated Birthday to QBall. Today, May 8th, is Josie Maran's 27th Birthday. I posted it in her thread.
  20. Happy 27th Birthday to My Precious Josie! I Hope You Will Be Blessed, Today and During This Coming Year. Love Always, Uncle Mike HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to Josie's Mom! God Bless You, For Giving Us Such a Wonderful Young Lady. Sincerely, Uncle Mike
  21. Your poll stops at 38 to 41. You forgot to include an 'Older Than Dirt' selection. I couldn't vote. I'm 50, BTW.
  22. Very nice! Thank you, sha.
  23. Have you guys seen the new GAP commercial? It's got Joss in white jeans, looking so good. You can download it at GAP's Website. They're also offering Joss' new song, but a friend couldn't get it to play. I didn't try to download it cause I didn't want to give them my e-mail address.
  24. OMG! That video is hot! Thank you so much, Neo. Her movements are absolutely 'nasty'. hehe
  25. Thanks to Everyone who posted the new Bebe pics of Josie. She looks so incredible in them. Me likes!
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