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Everything posted by dreamss

  1. is this new? It's really nice!
  2. No that's not what I meant. Of course beautiful women get cheated on. The story is as old as time. What I meant was, not only is she beautiful, but (to what we can tell) she's a very caring wife and mother and supports her husband and stand by him through thick and thin. She even moved to italy with him when he had a job there despite the fact that she travelled a lot from italy to new york for work. In my opinion as a wife, she's the total package. But as you said, there's never really a reason to cheat. I really don't think he cheated let alone getting a divorce.
  3. Lol. He sure as hell doesn't have any reason to cheat. If anything, he might feel uncomfortable for not being the breadwinner of the family and as a male, I know we feel so degraded about that
  4. ^I hope it's not true. Especially now that she's pregnant. It will be so unhealthy for the whole family
  5. Lol. I thought people would be interested in this discussion. But ok
  6. So who else thinks that her visits to the united nations was about the visit she gave Haiti several days ago?
  7. dreamss


    Michela ^don't ever stop tweeting her lol. OMG! She's never done chanel before, right? I cannot wait. Plus I've never seen threads about campaigns and covers/new issues, we should start doing them.
  8. Ok so I'm sure some of us feel the forbes list is just BS. I was just wondering about models who have been getting the a million campaigns every season and are getting the money jobs but they are still not in the forbes list. For example, Isabeli Fontana and Rapuel Zimmermman are like campaign queens and they get a lot of money jobs, yet still they aren't on the list. There are also a few more models that fall in the same category... I'm sure you guys have some in mind too.
  9. dreamss


    Ugh so much beauty bottled up. Val looks like her mom as she grows older.
  10. Seriously the mobile version not having the number of pages on it needs to be dealt with. It's really tiring when I want to go to, say , page 6 and all I see is next. Clicking the next button will take forever. FIX IT >.<
  11. Didn't she do an ed when she was pregnant the first time?
  12. She's probably trying to get a lot of work done before she starts showing! I don't think we'll stop seeing campaigns and covers during her pregnancy.
  13. lol I don't see any advertisement in the new BZ. what's up with that?
  14. ^I absolutely agree. I think suspensions should be issued at the early stage of any law breaking before that of course warnings should be issued first. But hey, if she repeatedly broke thr rules, she deserved what she got. LOL I'm sure she's reading this thread and rolling her eyes
  15. She was going to wear lingerie? Come on that a bit extreme. That said, if she's pregnant, i'm happy for her. I kinda like how all the top models are family oriented. Lol and they seem to get together and decide to get pregnant at the same time.
  16. The mobile version should also have like the number of the pages up there. It will be very difficult to get to a certain page if we can't just click the page number.
  17. Yes yes and yes. I Love the new BZ, it's sophisticated and modern. Tbh i thought the old one was so outdated. I think the new one looks a lot like twitter/ facebook, but who cares. But I wish they changed the color though. Also, the new BZ is very slow. It takes forever to load a page especially on a computer, that's why i'm using my mobile. Speaking of mobile, i'm absolutely loving the new mobile version as I use my phone a lot. It's so simple but still kinda slow for a mobile version. I've also noticed the the mobile version doesn't have a sign in/login button. I think it needs one as it will be tiring to go to the full version when you want to login and then go back to the mobile version when you're done. So all in all, i'm impressed and I think all the little issues will get fixed in time.
  18. Lol. I just think it's makes them look like fame wh*res. Come on, what I find more pathetic is how they complain about not getting their privacy when they themselves call the paps (I'm looking at you lindsay lohan)
  19. Lets start a discussion about celebrities who call the paps when they are out and about. It turns out that it's a very common thing with celebs these days. For example, it's been said and confirmed that Kim K is a pro at it. So is Alessandra Ambrosio and Brangelina. So...
  20. She looks gorgeous but I just can't deal with those David Jones rags she's wearing
  21. dreamss


    sign those contracts and get that money Adriana!!! The articles were originally in turkish text, I used google translate so it's not the best. Can someone explain to me how to upload a pic? I want to upload the picture of her in the mavi jacket the second article mentioned.
  22. dreamss


    Adriana's not sold in white 20.05.2012 Year Blue and the new season, covering 50 per cent growth for the first quarter of the deal had revived his famous top model Adriana Lima. Lima's blue and white jacket worn by advertising, saw demand higher than expected stocks run out. Store officials said Lima wore the white jacket that women demanded sharply, "the majority of customers from the store wants to get Adriana Lima wearing white jacket, but the stocks are exhausted. Company sent a charge for the center" gave information. If the General Manager of Blue Cuneyt Yavuz, the products on celebrities all over the world much more than normal demand for the product he saw on display, but no one selling brand in terms of the product said it was a pleasant situation. Yavuz, "Adriana Lima with the influence of campaign increased store traffic by 20 percent," he said. Yavuz, 2012 Autumn-Winter season with Adriana Lima also expressed that they were breaking a global agreement. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=a...zi-da-yok-satti
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