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Everything posted by dreamss

  1. Ok, that's it. This girl is up there with the big girls.
  2. I just wish you'd stop using Muslim extremists as examples. No one agrees with them. If their methods are what religion is all about, I'll happily ditch religion. And I never see u mentioning christian extremists. Or other religions And why are we pretending it's only religious people killing innocent people? And why is everyone assuming Track is Christian? She never once mentioned her religion. She also mentioned she's not very religous. And has a friend who used to be Atheist. And even though her method is... fierce and she said a thing or two I think she doesn't mean, she doesn't imply she hates any 'sinners', only concentrated on their 'sins'. Besides, it's not like atheists on here are showing religion respect. With the exception of you and a few others.
  3. ^I read an interview where he was being interviewed by Karl. Baptiste was so rude to him. Couldn't believe Karl accepted such insolence.
  4. Did I say explanation? Lol. I mean cure. But still, you answered that answered that question at least.
  5. LMAO. Where the Atheists at? Oh and I'd also like to know how sick children is one of God's ways but a man (Ariel Sharon) who killed millions of people and is now half alive, half dead with no scientific explanation isn't. The world is full of his kind So while we wait for the answers that will never come, lets get back to posting memes
  6. Ah. And she's so calm about it lol.
  7. Adriana told her followers on twitter that she doesn't have instagram. Do you guys know if there's a reason she said it. Oh and I see Snoop Dog telling her to get one then!
  8. http://www.ezsoftech...iraun.mummy.asp Our Book also says this (regarding Friaun)
  9. ^Extremists. I won't deny that Islam restricts women from doing somethings, but people are not saying it as it is.
  10. There's only so much ignorance/stupidity/blindness I can take. Some people won't see and accept God even if he stood before them. Things going right for everyone, as in, earth being heaven for everyone is the only way some people will see. Atheism is the most superficial state in which a human soul can sink. Well, it's going to be boring to have everyone in Heaven (not saying I'm going to heaven). Some people just need to bathe in the glory of hell.
  11. If you're mentally ill, then God will know it
  12. God doesn't punish people with mental illness
  13. I never catch Adriana posts in Just Jared when they're newly posted. Usually, I come across them the following day. Lol But those people are crazy. Let them keep the comparison going. I think there are more models fans in Just Jared than on here lol Maybelline and Mango are worlds apart. I mean, Maybelline is Maybelline :neo2:
  14. People believe that God gave people free will. So it's up to them whether they use it for good or for bad things. Best answer. Flawless.
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