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Everything posted by }{arlequin

  1. wow, very nice. subscribed
  2. anyone know who she's pointing at?
  3. edit.... crap, sorry for the dbl post... can't seem to find 'delete' button
  4. me too! very cathedral-like... surely on purpose. the question is whether vicky's went for the obvious tie-it-in-with-angels theme or whether they wanted to get a little edgy and perverse by making the backdrop for sexy women be that of a church/altar... the ultimate taboo! :evil:
  5. pirelli's nude: http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/6769/bl...elli2001ww0.jpg
  6. thanks, those escada ones are nice. by the way, not sure if this has been covered before, but sometime during her career her boobs 'grew' right?
  7. maybe the reason is that she has other stuff (shows/campaigns) to do instead? after all, on a world wide scale, vicky's isn't that big a deal...
  8. hey, she's new to me! sexy but there's a bit of 'feisty' in her. nice
  9. i kinda like them like that. different. they look moody and cool. nice legs too. thanks for posting
  10. that makes it worse... i have a bit of a 'shoe thing' but whether they're $20 or $320 they have to be comfortable, obviously w/ heels i'm guessing comfort is a relative term lol
  11. thanks for some new ones. haven't seen many of those before
  12. really or are you being sarcastic? i find them clunky and quite ugly...
  13. well stippers are *kinda* putting on an act, aren't they? guess you could make a stretch and call him an actor LOL
  14. you're welcome, as always. one more 'naughty in the office' motiff
  15. nudes: http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/2788/599bv5.jpg http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/4322/600jb7.jpg
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