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Everything posted by I LOVE ADRIANA

  1. I absolutely love that Pink Friday commercial... she looks amazing.
  2. Big thanks to Berno, Azkid, and Vampire!
  3. HOT, HOT, HOTTTT. That's all I've got to say about Megan.
  4. Big thanks to Vamp, Keith and Sanja!!
  5. Thanks so much for your suggestions. Aww, that'll make me so sad if you leave the company. We won't get anymore VS news posts.
  6. Thanks VH and PC! I really don't like that tote. :yuckky: They could have done better...
  7. I'm totally loving the lipstick. Now I just need the gloss. Also, tonight I just purchased the Extreme Lip Plumper... it feels like I rubbed jalapeno on my lips. But hey, it works! I got it for a steal too because like you know it is $26 but today I bought it for $10! I already have 3 secret santa gift cards. Also, my VS is hiring and I'm finally going to turn in an application. lol. I hope I'll get hired because I know pretty much everything about their bras and beauty products. Like today, for example, I was helping my older cousin pick out a bra and I was telling her all the differences between the bras and she laughed at me and was all "You need to work here." And I do... I want to. What do they look for on an application?
  8. Doutzen was so stunning in the show... I think she was equal to Adriana.
  9. I want my hair to be cut into layers like so: I know some of it is extensions, but it's gorgeous.
  10. I took the quiz and it says I'm "sexy-sexy" Here's my answers: 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B
  11. I loved her hair with bangs. And her eye make-up is always incredible. I'm so jealous of her eye color!
  12. Thank you nothingless! Backstage pics are always my favorite
  13. VH: Thanks for your efforts in recording in HD and uploading for us.
  14. Hmm... I'm gonna say maybe 120 lbs. now? Idk, but she has lost weight everywhere. I kind of wish her hair looked better at the after party... it looked like she was sweating and her hair got all wavy and they didn't fix it. lol. (I would know how that is because last night it happened after dancing the night away at a wedding.)
  15. ^ No, I don't think so... on the right foot there's a shadow under her toe thus making it look swollen, and on the left foot her toes are just sticking out of the shoe a little bit...
  16. Who the heck were the 2 chicks who recorded it? The security actually let them tape it?
  17. Uh, so... any confirmation on the angel or no angel?


    Thanks nothingless for being generous enough to buy the photos and share them with us.
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