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Everything posted by Emma_Frost

  1. Haha, yes, that's weird. XD

    How about the cheese on pizza? You never ate pizza?

  2. I love her with short, blond hair!
  3. And of course you have to try some french cheese. ;)

  4. various pics (sorry, if these are reposts)...
  5. You'll have a lot of opportunities to take pretty photos, I'm sure. ^^

  6. Aww, Paris! I've been there once. It's really pretty! :D I especially loved the churches. ^^ (And the clothes stores *g*)

  7. Agent Aika... (panties everywhere *lol*)
  8. Yeah, actually I do. Everything is rather calm here, we don't have this big-citylife-feeling. ^_^ I'd nevertheless like to see some "bigger" cities soon. Have you ever been to Europe. I

  9. She should have won. She has a very unique style..
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