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Umbrella Beach

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Status Updates posted by Umbrella Beach

  1. Helloo :) Dan's baby? I hadn't thought of that! Maybe... but i don't really think so. I need to watch more chapters haha. I love Dair, but i go with Chair all the time!!

  2. Ooh, don't worry. I'm fine, just studying a lot these days... What about you? :D


  4. Hahaha. Yes, but I prefer another Brazilian: Francisco Lachowski *--*

  5. TODAYTODAYTODAY! Right? Have a good day and enjoy the concert!! :3

  6. PERFECT! I like the deal :) haha

  7. I LOVE DAIR!! <3

    Oh, and happy b-day! Sorry, i didn't see it. Enjoy it :)

  8. RELAAAAX!! :D Oh, you're going to have a really goooooood time, i'm sure.

  9. I'm happy for you. Then, you're 16 right now? :)

  10. Have you seen the new video offTaylor Swift? *-*


  11. I'm happy for you (: and I'm good too, thanks.

    I connect, but only to see the pictures, I haven't a lot of time... S:

  12. woow, so long! That's good :)

  13. Heey! I'm fine, and you? Love your siggy :) And you avi is cute too *-*

  14. Hello! Did you see Gossip Girl? did you like it? :)


  16. Yes, but well, you can go to visit her another time. I hope soon :)

  17. Hello Leonardo Dicaprio fan :) Do you like GG, or just Leighton?

  18. Thank you sooo much! I hope you have a great new year!

  19. I haven't seen it yet D: Why you don't see it online?

  20. Lol. I'm enjoying my holidays! The guy is Aaron Johnson, an actor (:

  21. I think that german is soo difficult to learn. I studied it for five years and i don't know so much. It's a little frustrated S:

  22. Hallo, ich bin gut. It's ok, everyone has their tastes (:

  23. Yes, I answered you, and thank u again!

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