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Status Updates posted by katchitup

  1. Oh happy holidays by the way :) Christmas verrryyy soon!

  2. Hunny, sent you some messages :/

  3. hey girl feel like your never on anymore :/ Happy holidays!

  4. HEYYYY!!! Happy holidays:)

  5. Thanks!!! I love Emilys eyes <3 There gorgeous!

  6. haha yup, I just switched it up!! It was about time for a change ;)

  7. Thanks! You can't go wrong with candice ;) I gotta switch up my about me page soon :)

  8. 8Your about me page, is gorgeous by the way ;)

  9. haha true! There are not many young ones on here .only a few :p

  10. whyyyyy thank you :p

  11. hey I loveee your set!!! The avi is gorgeous <3

  12. why hello! Gonna try some pixlr stuff this weekend ;)

  13. Nope, not really aking for anything special, cause I got it all :p I'll take whatever now, i like the giving part more anyway :p

  14. HEYY!! Happy holidays :)

  15. Yes, a little premature, but it doesn't hurt to get in the holiday spirit! :p

  16. I just checked out her thread :p She is gorgeous, and I really love her look in your avi <3

  17. Oh my gosh, who is that girl in your avi?? Shes gorgeous!

  18. Hey love, thanks for the set!

  19. Thanks hun! Please let me know when ya find some, and if you can't would love a run through by you. And once again, if I still can't get it, I would love tp request one :p

  20. Yes, a tutorial would be great! And if you can't find any, love for you to walk me through it. And If I can't even do that, I would love to request one ;)

  21. Yes, but I am getting so confused with it! Like how do you cut around the images, and blend them together? I am clueless on this site! You gotta walk me through it! <3

  22. Your new set is kinda trippy, lollll I like it!

  23. I can see that. Its odd because so far no one has been able to reconize thats emily! :o

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