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Mirror's Venus

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Everything posted by Mirror's Venus

  1. I like you. Really, really much - but that doesn´t mean I will agree with everything you say I think you´re smart enough to respect this. I don´t like feminism, never liked it. People will never be equal, that´s clear utopia. There are differences between us that have to be respected. People should learn it. That´s all.
  2. Mirror's Venus

    I Am...

    All the craziness on here. It sucks that members feel the need to take breaks or even leave. Tensions between a few people have developed for some reason and the amount of these seems much larger than normal here on BZ.
  3. Mirror's Venus

    I Am...

    wondering wtf is going on? It gets worse and worse every week.
  4. I did not expect that to happen to Tig.
  5. "Ahh! Atatatatat-No! That is why I'm royal, and you are servile!"

  6. Do u know why it hurts? Bad position? Bad bed? Because of your work? My back was hurting every single day for years till I change my mattress & oh miracle! no more pain! no more pain killers & no more tears! U should try to find the cause because back ache is a living hell I Think I may have slept in a bad position It's getting better though!
  7. You are slowly dying rn, bb. Every breath you take is a second closer to the agony of old age and then the sweet release of death. I cannot wait to revel in the sweet abyss of death. Fav thing about being alive is knowing I'll be dead soon enough. LMFAO I know about that life!
  8. You are slowly dying rn, bb. Every breath you take is a second closer to the agony of old age and then the sweet release of death. I cannot wait to revel in the sweet abyss of death.
  9. My head hurts. My back hurts. I'm exhausted. If this is me at 21 I don't want to even think about 40.
  10. Mad Men The Walking Dead Game of Thrones The Borgias Sons of Anarchy Boardwalk Empire American Horror Story
  11. Ugh I hate Merle Dixon with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns! He is the lesser brother...
  12. Thank you so much Pretty for collecting all the promos!
  13. This is the exact reason I told myself I wouldn't go in here, and here I am... I should've known better. Please tell me good sir, what are your thoughts on abortions.
  14. If you hadn't seen it since the begin, have you thought about watching previous seasons online? YOU MUST WATCH ALL OF THEM!
  15. Hurricane, Shmurricane. Come at me, Bro.

  16. Hurricane, Smurricane. Come at me, Bro.

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