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Everything posted by .Zee.

  1. .Zee.

    I Am...

    sat by the window watching all the footballers coming back and thinking about how hungry i am!
  2. got up for breakfast, found out i didn't have to go to uni for an hour later than i thought so i could have had an extra hour in bed (grr), rang up some landlords about letting us view some houses to live in next year, went to two lectures, had lunch, came back, went to my friend's room for a bit then came and logged on here
  3. posts great scans in all the model threads!
  4. oh em gee, i adore her editorials so much! and thanks for the rmk pics, anouk
  5. great dior ad! i'm gonna miss seeing those in my magazines, but i'm also excited cos gemma is taking over and those cosme decorte ads are soooooo beautiful! i think that's going to have to be my next set
  6. i adore lily, but something about that cover creeps me out. something about her eyes, or her forehead. or both! :|
  7. ohhhh, i love the couture shots, thanks! and is it just me or did she look ever so slightly avril lavigne-esque at versace? she's definately looking better on the runway these days. i hope she's still able to work in the fashion weeks that have the bmi restrictions....
  8. why does this thread always turn into a sasha v gemma discussion, with gemma getting dissed? personally i love them both to death. gemma is my all time number one model, but sasha is rapidly approaching my top 10, and to be honest, i don't think they can really be compared. true, they look kind of similar in some cases, but they're such different models with totally different styles of modelling that it's really not fair to compare. on a plus point, i adore the new armani stuff! i never thought she'd be a good cosmetics model but looking at them, she looks soooo good.
  9. love love love the new mulberry ads! she always rocks the runway too, thanks for the pics guys!
  10. gosh, i love how this thread moves so fast, i've been in izabel heaven for the last 5 minutes! thanks for the pictures everyone!
  11. she is so cute, i can't believe she isn't bigger!
  12. SHE'S 16???????? i had absolutely no idea. she looks so much older, wowza. thanks for the pic, ann mary! she looks scary cool.
  13. woah, she looks gorgeous in those!
  14. i knoooow! i didn't know who she was back then but now she's everywhere, but not in a bad way, in the kind of way where she's just becoming such a familiar face. not really! she's been busy busy busy working on her films, but she's still totally in demand.
  15. i can't believe how beautiful this woman is, ugh. she's really breathtaking in some pictures, her features are literally perfect. thanks for the pics and vids, everyone!
  16. ahhhhhhhh, that pic pinkcouture posted is GORGEOUS!!!!. i think i'm officially starting to like her.
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