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Everything posted by Jack.

  1. Thanks for posting the new pics. Where are the swimsuit pics from? She wore the skirts on the VS runway because she was self conscious about her butt and/or legs. Tyra Banks was the same way.
  2. Thanks for the great pic and links to the interview. Haven't seen any of those since she was promoting the 2006 SI issue.
  3. Great stuff, Fuzzy. Thanks. A recent Avon event.
  4. B&O- the rest of that Malaysia picture set is on page 38 if you're looking for them.
  5. http://www.blesk.cz/clanek/celebrity-domac...e-v-dubaji.html
  6. [attachm ent=1078437:Daniela_...Feb98_01.jpg][ attachment=1078439:daniela1111.jpg][att achment=1078441:fash2419.jpg][atta chment=1078447:vs148.jpg][att achment=1078457:SIss99.jpg]
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