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Everything posted by tommac

  1. haha I've seen a few of my past teachers on FB, but over here I'm pretty sure it's against the law to add them until a year or something after you've finished school.
  2. It's too big for these forums, but I made a lil graphics out of boredom yesterday:
  3. Sorry, I knew it was Madison, I just couldn't find the scans to validate my thoughts She seems so sweet.
  4. omg jealous its 5:24 and i havent eaten anything yet I'm just not hungry as for the football, that was such a good game to watch!
  5. tommac

    I Am...

    extremely bored
  6. Guilty disliked someone purely because your friend does??
  7. I'd cry but I'd try and refresh their memory, The Notebook style~ What would you do if your Father announced her was homosexual?
  8. Guilty "Stolen" a grape from the bunch in the supermarket?
  9. Not terribly so, but in some cases I am. One time back in college we had this like, "team-building" task where we had to do a obsticle course, and part of it involved going through one of those children's playground tube-tunnels, but like, one person had go through one end of it and the other go through the other end and squeeze past each other. That was horrible and I was really uneasy and claustrophobic are you the life & soul of the party?
  10. I just had iceberg lettuce with a slice of ham, some cherry tomatoes, a piece of bread and a cup of tea
  11. This shoot was taken in March, so I'm pretty sure it's a prop- also, based on Miranda's admirable history in separating her private life and career, I highly doubt she would use a VS shoot to show-off her engagement haha Thanks for the pictures everyone, she looks so sexy. It's good to see her looking commercial and conventionally pretty, though I do love seeing her edgy HF shoots.
  12. I'm not, though I'm interested in doing a few sessions (my guns are a lil on the scrawny side haha) Are you happy with how 2010 is going so far?
  13. Yes, but his spokesperson confirmed it today
  14. Hey guys, thanks for the greetings!
  15. adorable photos! She looks so drunk in the ones from her Birthday party! Though they're cool to see, I think it's kinda bad that people are selling personal photographs of her! None the less, thanks for sharing
  16. He's so good looking. One of the most beautiful male models I've seen. Believe me, I'm highly envious Thanks for the pictures everyone!
  17. I'm so ridiculously excited for this Prada campaign. I'm becoming so impatient I know it will be worth it, she rarely fails to impress in my eyes.
  18. Awh, thanks! I hope to get to know you regulars
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