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Everything posted by Pauline

  1. Pauline

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    Feist - gatekeeper
  2. of course FL david is just a no-no.
  3. Pauline

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    :bow: no problemo have won my battle already
  4. the girl next to her, right, is Maja Latinovic?
  5. she is so beautiful I hate it when they airbrush her freckles, though
  6. we like you much more than LL
  7. polished.... you mean Polish(ed) vodka I guess
  8. crabnerry juice marvel - this juice is like antibacterial soap to your skin, but works on the inside
  9. that's some advice. Stop eating. So simple.
  10. Pauline

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    hey! I won with Rhett as well!
  11. Pauline

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    I knew you would like it
  12. Pauline

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    oh placebo! salvatore licitra - je crois entendre encore
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