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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Yes it is! They need to show Tig more.

  2. I am great hun, How have you been?

  3. I know you will be an awesome muse hun! Good luck with that babe.

  4. Good Morning! Its Monday but I don't have to work today, so I'm just gonna be lazy!

  5. Happy Birthday hun!

  6. Well I'm back home. So glad to see William. He wants to go to Hawaii, so that will be a trip for next year!

  7. Hey It's back up! Almost time to go back home. How have you been?

  8. Took over 11 hours to get here but I'm here! Its 7:16am here and 12:16pm in Oklahoma. Huge time difference. Everything is good so far!

  9. I'm on my hour and a half layover now in L.A. How are you?

  10. Good morning!!!

  11. My flight leaves at 3pm. And I am all ready

  12. I have finished getting everything ready. I'm only taking 1 bag and thats it. How are you hun?

  13. Happy Hump Day hun!!!

  14. I have always been fair skinned. I love that look too

  15. I love the Dita pics!!

  16. I will, laptop is going with me of course! I can't live without BZ

  17. I can't wait! I never get a kid free vacation! Luckily one of my good friends is willing to have him stay with her. As far as breaking hearts goes, we'll see!

  18. This will be my second trip. Kid free too. But of course my laptop will have to go with me!

  19. Good. Just me and my kid. I'm going to Hawaii Thursday night. So next weekend will bo great as long as Nick behaves

  20. So far so good. And how was your weekend?

  21. Good morning hun!

  22. LMS made some more Tig sigs. I love them. Have a good one hun!

  23. I am keeping my eyes open hun. There isn't a lot on him on Youtube though

  24. Good morning hun!! How is your early weekend going so far?

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