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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. I hate when that happens. And I won't be leaving til next week. After I get the kids enrolled in school. Hope you are better

  2. I hated her for that comment but I have grown to respect her, especially today with this crop of models. She was one of the best. And that was what she was making back then.

  3. I have 2 5 year olds and I don't know what to do most of the time. I just figure it out as I go along

  4. I have 3 cases of Mountain Dew!

    I'm ready!

  5. I have 4 so far. 3 boys and 1 girl

  6. I have already a female stalker, might as well have a male stalker!! :)

  7. I have always been fair skinned. I love that look too

  8. i have an accent too. i'm in oklahoma!! monica will ne like sophia loren. Gorgeous at 70

  9. I have been good babe. How about yourself?

  10. I have been good. Getting bigger! How have you been?

  11. I have been having a blast. Especially on here!

  12. I have but not since I started seeing him. And I don't like drawing attention to myself. He's had problems with other fighters and I don't want them bringing me up in their stupid youtube videos they make! I think I may go see Machete tomorrow night. I love Danny Trejo

  13. I have finished getting everything ready. I'm only taking 1 bag and thats it. How are you hun?

  14. I have had a few visitors already this week

  15. I have heard possibly Junior Dos Santos. But I'm not 100% sure yet. Are you a fan of Cain?

  16. I have kids that's the only difference and I don't really talk about my life or kids on here that much.

  17. I have made a ton of different kind of cookies, pies, brownies. I made divinity, toffee, mints, lollipops, caramels, chocolates, candy cane fugde. I never thought I would be sick of candy

  18. I have no idea why people do that. They must have serious issues within themselves to pretend to be someone they're not

  19. I have no idea. What would be a song for Tig?

  20. I have the normal-bronchitis and laryngitis. Probably spelled both of them wrong

  21. I haven't seen AnaBB but I bet she is hot too

  22. I hope so. I'm working tonight and all day tomorrow and into the night.

  23. I hope they all clear out before next week!

  24. I hope they all do well. I think they were all good actors and we were able to see them grow on the screen which was amazing to see

  25. COP11

    I hope you keep your 5 stars now!

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