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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Fine... Oh well, like I said, I like Rush. And, clearly you do too (As if the name didn't give it away)...

  2. Fo realz? Did you need to send me a friend request? -__-

  3. Food: Not my calling. :) Are you going to work in a restaurant or something like that?

  4. For a second, I was considering that offer. XD Anywho, I'm all good. Very mellow. And yourself?

  5. Geez, I've never heard of "Murder over Watermelon", bu, ok?

  6. Girl, you really don't like Candice Swanepoel, do you? :cain:

  7. Glad to see you like it! If you ever want one of another model or something, just send me the link to the video and I'll see what I can do. ;)

  8. Go Limey, it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's your birthday.(Not really, but, congrats on the job!) :D

  9. Goddammit, I knew it was you trying to do that! :)

  10. Going all Bachman-Turner Overdrive on my ass, huh?

  11. Going to New York for a few days at the end of the week. :) But Disney sounds like a lot more fun anyway.

  12. Good afternoon Little Miss Sunny. :)

  13. Good afternoon Sunny! Any fun plans for the week? :)

  14. Good evening Miss Sunshine... Sorry, but this is all I got:


  15. Good is Jude. So now you're gonna go all Yoda on my ass?

  16. Good morning my sunshine! :D

  17. Good Morning Sunshine! :D

  18. Good Morning Sweetie! *Kiss* Hey, do you think you could make me a couple of gifs or are you busy?

  19. Good morning, Sunny! How are you on this fine day?

  20. Good, good. In New York until Tuesday! :D

  21. Good. And yourself? Thanks for the comment. :)


  23. Grazie mille! :D Oh, and "She came along to turn on everyone" (Sexy Sadie - The Beatles).

  24. Grazie mille! :D

  25. Green Day Rockband actually. Thank Yoi very much. :P

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