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Everything posted by brianwp

  1. brianwp

    Lindsay Lohan

    As a guy, I beg to differ. She's not the best, with the freckles all over, (personally), but she still looks pretty good. I have to add something, here. It seems that this site has mostly female members. A lot of times you all talk about what is sexy...and a lot of times you're wrong. Maybe you should get a man's input on what's sexy sometimes. Of course, all men are different, but in general we all have certain guidelines that are commonly accepted. I'm not trying to be nasty, here, I'm just saying that you couldn't possibly know what was sexy to a man without a man to tell you what was sexy to him. Just like a man...we sometimes think we know what's sexy to a woman, so we strut, and pose, and act all macho and do stupid shit to impress you, and we're probably usually wrong. It's like making love to a woman. What I think a woman wants may not be what she really wants, so I learned a long time ago to ask. "Here? There? Faster, slower? Harder, softer?" What I think feels good to a woman may not be what she really wants, so there's nothing wrong with asking her what she likes so I can better please her. The same thing goes for what we both think is sexy to each other. Maybe we should communicate more with each other.
  2. brianwp

    Sandra Bullock

    Thanks, fashiondream. I love her darker hair, with the bangs, and all. By the way, I read in the supermarket checkout line that she was taking her asshole husband back. Is this true?
  3. brianwp

    Kristen Bell

    I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are still missing.
  4. /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1445986313-54239_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2285509" alt="post-33782-0-1445986313-54239_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="70.5"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1445986313-68379_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2285529" alt="post-33782-0-1445986313-68379_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="91.37"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1445986313-98198_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2285551" alt="post-33782-0-1445986313-98198_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="125.95"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1445986314-05891_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2285555" alt="post-33782-0-1445986314-05891_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="124.06"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1445986314-0903_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2285557" alt="post-33782-0-1445986314-0903_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="129.92">
  5. brianwp

    Kirstie Alley

    She gave 5 million dollars to the church of scientology? What a stupid, stupid person!
  6. Don't like it. And as a member of the masculine persuasion, I think I speak for most of us when I say...I don't like it. Women should look like women. Pixies are the little beings I'll be seeing floating around my bed in the morning. A good looking woman cutting her hair is like going from beautiful to cute. Puppies are cute. But I don't want to sleep with puppies.
  7. Let's be honest, Cult..(may I call you Cult?). Every one of us has prejudices..but how we handle them is another matter. Apparently, Mel isn't a big fan of the Jews. Or black people. However, we do live in a country where freedom of speech is one of our basic rights. So, what's the problem? If you want a good example of racial bigotry, just watch the news. We criticize Muslims because of 9/11. And Mel criticizes Jews and blacks. So what's the difference? You don't think there's good and bad Muslims, or Jews, or blacks? Of course there are. In my opinion the Jews have used the same tactics that the Arabs have used, and I can't honestly see much of a difference. As far as Mel's comments, I wouldn't call insanity, though. I live in the deep south, and there's rednecks galore here. I get along the best I can, but ignorance always persists. It's like a sensory overload. They're basically good people, but when you dig deeper into their psyche, the ignorance and racism is still there. I consider myself a racist, actually. I think most people don't realize it, but they are, too, whether they know it or not. If I was to hire a black man to do a job, and he screwed it up, the first thing that would pop into my mind would be that he screwed it up because he was black. I'm being honest, here. I mean, tell the truth, how many of you wouldn't feel the same way? I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that it's a deep rooted problem, for whites, as well as blacks or Jews, or whatever.
  8. Esta la storia, Serge! You need to keep up... Anyway, here's Claudia in stockings... Sorry, they're kinda small...the pictures, I mean..
  9. brianwp

    Sienna Miller

    He's motorboating her...just a bit too low...
  10. A few... /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1446113685-03304_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4280309" alt="post-33782-0-1446113685-03304_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="131.58"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1446113685-07747_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4280310" alt="post-33782-0-1446113685-07747_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="75">
  11. That was just a joke, sweetheart...
  12. /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1593844332-44953_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="5ja.jpg"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1593844332-51184_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="8ja.jpg"> /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1593844332-77898_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="14ja.jpg">
  13. brianwp

    Hilary Swank

    Adds? What does that mean?
  14. brianwp

    Jessica Alba

    /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1593848752-71837_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="JessicaAlba_Mo_0zFHM_Sept_10_5_122_137lo.jpg">
  15. brianwp

    Megan Fox

    \I was never at that gym...
  16. /monthly_08_2010/post-33782-0-1446095946-69293_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3979266" alt="post-33782-0-1446095946-69293_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.38">
  17. I'd still like to do things to her that are illegal in around 13 states...
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