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Status Updates posted by iceeagel

  1. she wasnt just sweet. she was SWEET and SEXY which makes her SWEXY!!! :D i just invented a new word^^ (i shall call the editorial department of the Thesaurus!) wahaa^^

  2. ahh WTH.i know what you mean...

    anyways...when you add abbey to your sig now it would be a perfect ABC (if you know what i mean A-abbey B-Bar C-Candice)

    BTW that video you posted recently (@twitter) with the TV Theme Medley is awesome!

  3. let me guess...they look like this

  4. whats so special about Austin, Texas?

  5. if you cant decide between candice kershaw & kerr...just take a pic where they are all together^^

  6. :idk: i know how important sleep is.and i know that i am going to be tired for the whole day. maybe it

  7. congratulations on your 11h sleep!!!



    i sent you the vlips from THE show

  9. found the name of the show! searching for video footage!

  10. i found the show!

  11. !viva la Pepa! (=hooray?)

    yea, i saw your update^^.

    by the way,i posted 2 videos in your thread...would really intrest me what you think about them.

  12. C:\Users\ice\Desktop\

  13. ahhh^^ that was funny!

    but does remind me of this video http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1929035 ...bow we have to decide which one is better :D. BTW: love RoF by Johnny Cash!

  14. i totally understand that (work=no time).


  15. do you mean that southpark tower defense game?

  16. reminds me of that one episode of scrubs.


    skip to 4:28

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