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Everything posted by maddog107

  1. oldies but goodies. Thanks, she still looks great in her recent stuff too.
  2. You offering to help? So did some digging and found that mysql was taking all the memory of the server. I have changed some settings and both are up and running now. Lets see if its any better.
  3. Restarted the search engine. Not sure why it keeps crashing
  4. Can you check now? Looks ok to me.
  5. Its working ok for me Just the quicksearch or the real search?
  6. Testing https://gfycat.com/sneakyheftyblueshark-wednesday-hump-day-me-irl https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SneakyHeftyBlueshark-mobile.mp4
  7. A few days back some hackers were spamming emails through some unsecured form which caused our email provider to temporarily block us. We resolved the issue as of last night and emails are flowing again. Sorry about that!
  8. Can everyone try again? I just restarted the webserver and uploaded an image and it seems ok? Thanks
  9. 👨‍⚕️🤴 @Stromboli1 Looks ok to me OSX + Chrome. What you using?
  10. Thanks for all the pics, shes beautiful
  11. yup, got the alert but was traveling all day so didnt get a chance to fix it until now. Also I did an upgrade on the software that is suppose to help with this issue. So lets hope for the best. Thanks for letting me know.
  12. Yup, my monitor worked though! I got an email at 5am to tell me it was broken, so that is progress. Now I need to link it into pagerduty to call me when its down. Thanks.
  13. Should be back up. I am trying to figure out how to implement a monitor to alert me if not working. Thanks for letting me know.
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