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Everything posted by KittyBronx

  1. Oh, wow, somebody is gonna get a broken nose on this thread before the night is through.... anyway, @siniko :trout: - as impressively & irrefutably charming as you sound, I suspect you might get a wee bit surly when drunk, so maybe I'll just save the Patron for another day & get you a nice cup of some soothing & calming & heavily medicated herbal tea instead. @Penny, your poster is really familiar although I can't place it (& I googled it dammit!), and I'm sure its something much harder (more obscure) than 'Mimic' (1997) or 'Bug' (2006) right? :|
  2. Hey Prox, I really need my 'Donnie & Marie : Polka & death metal greatest hits' cds back when you get a chance. We're doing some weird experiments in the underground laboratory & I thought they might be appropriate as 'mood music'. Thanks K-Bye!

  3. Beep, beep, beep - headquarters has reported Agent B.B as M.I.A - perhaps a unfortunate victim of a dangerous mission involving furry handcuffs. Please contact home base ASAP. Thank you.

  4. Bronx! Shhhhh! This all top secret stuff! lol.

  5. Um, Penny, I don't know your poster, but I have to say I checked out this thread & the last like 12 posts between you & Siniko posts were pure GOLD! really funny stuff. I can't stop laughing. I think I would like to buy both of you a beer or something.
  6. ^^^ Crime and Punishment (1998) (I'd like to thank IMDB & Google )
  7. Just Pmed you, Bronx. Yeah, DH is no prob to lure in. Sadly, leaving a trail of drunken cheesburgers usually works. Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

  8. Kiki, there are no vitamins in diet coke, only weird mind altering substances that make run around your house naked & order cheese pizza late at night....

  9. Too late Kiki!

    The conversion has already begun!

  10. Kiki - take your vitamins!!!

  11. Bronx, thats a really good music list, although you forgot to list Eastern European mountain yodelling music from the 1930's - remixed by Van she (!) -I'll let it slide this time though. Btw, I'm totally serious about the David Hasselhoff in speedos pics...

  12. This is a really good list, I will add if I could, the super creepy kids in hoodies from 'The Brood' and Damien (!) gets my #1 vote <3
  13. Bronx, you are way too clever & dangerous for your own good :p

    You inspire me <3

  14. "Thats the Duke! I know the sounds of his engines!" "...Cabbie, you SLIME!" Yep! Penny is correct, and to think I had a nice saucy screencap of Adrienne Barbeau all ready. What a memorable & sweet little ride though. Who hasn't wanted to secretly cruise around in it at all hours. I mean, the disco ball, the chandeliers - I bet there's even a leopard print interior & a TON of Gap Band eight-track tapes in there... :brows: Penny yer up!
  15. Dear Prox, Annie Morton, Lena Olin & myself are all giving each other weird tattoos. Please send lots of vodka & join us!

    Cheers! -KB

  16. Well, Widget, those are good, creative guesses, but I'm afraid you're not even close... So, I'll give another clue which is SURE to be a dead giveaway....
  17. Great! Heres my next clue: certainly a nice, friendly bunch that you would like to bring home to introduce to mom...
  18. Baron! I know this one! 'Don't Look Now'! A fabulously creepy flick! (Y)
  19. Hmmm, this is just too easy. My 'spidey sense' is going nuts! It must be a trap. Whoever corrrectly 'guesses' this movie will immediately have a metal cage door close right in front of them. They will then be promptly bound & gagged & shipped off to a secret & desolate location in Siberia where they will forced into servitude & hard manual labor for the rest of their unlucky & short lives.... :| All thats missing is the little piece of cheese dangling in front of the trap.....MWUHAHAHAHAH! :evil: Sorry Penny, I just don't know you well enough to be convinced that you are not some sort of diabolical double agent or something....
  20. ^Let it be known that I was not part of that angry mob! And that I'm pretty sure it's Mulholland Drive. (And from the 1st cap too - Mr. Bloody Show-Off <_< !) Its been duly noted that you weren't 'kicking it' with the angry mob, Baron... (Y) Plus, I had no idea there were 'angry mob' emoticons? wow, those are pretty nice indeed. Anyway, Baron is correct. The movie is 'Mulholland Drive', one of my absolute top favorites. I suspected the Baron wouldn't even break a sweat over those clues...
  21. Well, gosh! don't everybody gang up on me at once... :jimmy: Since I'm not generally a fan of tar & feathering, I will appease the surly movie bunch here & offer up another enticing clue....
  22. Oooooh Wheeee! SLC Punk.....FTW!
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