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Everything posted by [solo]

  1. A golfer is in a competitive match with a friend, who is ahead by a couple of strokes. The golfer says to himself, "I'd give anything to sink this next putt." A stranger walks up to him and whispers, "Would you give up a fourth of your sex life?" The golfer thinks the man is crazy and that his answer will be meaningless but also that perhaps this is a good omen and will put him in the right frame of mind to make the difficult putt and says, "OK." And sinks the putt. Two holes later he mumbles to himself, "Boy, if I could only get an eagle on this hole." The same stranger moves to his side and says, "Would it be worth another fourth of your sex life?" The golfer shrugs and says, "Sure." And he makes an eagle. Down to the final hole. The golfer needs yet another eagle to win. Though he says nothing, the stranger moves to his side and says, "Would you be willing to give up the rest of your sex life to win this match?" The golfer says, "Certainly." And makes the eagle. As the golfer walks to the club house, the stranger walks alongside and says,"You know, I've really not been fair with you because you don't know who I am. I'm the devil and from now on you will have no sex life." "Nice to meet you," says the golfer. "My name's Father O'Malley."
  2. What? Your pics are nice.. just a suggestion for a cool effect.
  3. Neo; to get better BW effect, adjust the levels in PS.
  4. GW Bush is captured, Tony Blair has declared south america under british control, World War 3 has started, and Spark3D reached 700 posts.
  5. There are no official rules at the moment.. the general idea is if you want to swear try to censor it like sh*t or ****.
  6. Maddog; the post edited function has not been changed. Post editing has always worked like this: If you edit the post before anyone replies to it, there is no "edited" message. If you edit it after someone replies to it you will get an "edited" message.
  7. Hi Barry, Welcome to LimaX where the fun will never end
  8. Nice pic.. Adriana still beats her easily though
  9. Remember.. post #666 was recorded in this milestone
  10. Yah Madeline Albright is naturally beautiful too :trout:
  11. She's holding a cigarette but she's not actually smoking it
  12. Now we KNOW she smokes! What?
  13. When I was.. posing for pictures with her, shall we say.. she said that she doesn't smoke
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