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Everything posted by ganymede30324

  1. Kerry did a signing Saturday at the A/X store in Soho: Jason @ Major Models Blog posted this interview with the hottie: 1.Q) FULL NAME kerry Justin Degman 2.Q) WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Portland Oregon 3. Q) HOW WERE YOU DISCOVERED? by my sisters models agency 4. Q) SPORTS ACCOMPLISHMENTS? 9 letter athlete at a 6A high school, two year undefeated wrestler, team captain, college baseball player 5.Q) FAVORITE ACTOR? FAVORITE ACTRESS? FAVORITE MOVIE? Tom Hanks or Robert De Niro, Katharine Hepburn, The Godfather or Annie Hall 6.Q) GUILTY PLEASURE? Dominos Pizza 7. Q) FAVORITE BOOK The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay 8. Q) WHAT HAS BEEN SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE SHOOTS SO AR? any job that takes me to a place i've never been before. i love traveling. 9.Q) HOW DID YOU GET TO MAJOR? i don't really remember. it all happened so fast. i started with my mother agent in Portland who originally told me i was too short but then Bruce Weber booked me for Abercrombie and then before i knew it, i was living in NY 10.Q) WORDS TO LIVE BY.... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight," - Proverbs 3;5,6 11. Q) FAVORITE MICHAEL JACKSON SONG Off the wall 12.Q) NAME OF YOUR CHILDHOOD PET..WHAT KIND OF PET? Mia was a chocolate Lab 13. Q) FAVORITE FEMALE SUPER MODEL? Adriana Lima 14.Q) WHAT ADVICE WOUDL YOU GIVE A MALE MODEL WHO WANTED TO GET IN THEBUSINESS BUT WAS UNDER 6'? Pray for a late growth spurt lol 15.Q) WHAT IS NEXT FOR KERRY DEGMAN? Just recently bet my Step Father i could make it to the PGA tour. but also i plan on acting 16.Q) ARE YOU DOING BETTER IN YOUR MODELING CAREER THEN YOU THOUGHT WHEN YOU STARTED? My expectations were pretty low having been told i was too short and strong. my original goal was to use this as a short cut into acting... which still is the goal 17. Q) WHAT DO YOU DO ON YOUR DOWNTIME IN NYC? Golf, longboard, play with my dog, and play guitar, 18. Q) DESCRIBE YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE? i usually only hit the gym once a week doing a full body circuit hitting every muscle with minimal breaks in between reps Might I add that I HATE that he only has to hit the gym once a week?
  2. With Kerry Degman, Nate Gill, and Simon Nessman for Ralph Lauren Rugby:
  3. Fixing some Image Shack-related stuff here:
  4. Tommy's 6' and Canadian and a hockey player. Nous claims he has brown hair. He's done TETU and Ralph Lauren Rugby, among other things, Nous party: Digitals:
  5. When I started this topic I apparently mistyped Nick's name, and it should be "Riback". How do I fix that?
  6. I don't think he'll be single for long! Charmants.com reprinted the IJ interview, but with extra pics! Here they are:
  7. LOL! My first thought as well! (though my partner's a drummer, which is almost as good.)
  8. No idea. Kinda cute, though. These are Backstage at Cavalli:
  9. From Oh La La: International Jock has had the good fortune to have just completed a photo shoot with 20-year old British model Harry Tucker. Photographer (and International Jock founder) John Sievers had this to say about working with Harry: This is the first photo shoot that Harry’s done since arriving in the USA a little over two weeks ago and it was also his first mens underwear shoot. He was, understandably, a little nervous at first but he did a wonderful job and I’m very pleased with the results. Harry has great looks, an engaging and lively personality and a lovely English accent. He was a very good sport about everything I asked him to do, even though his agent thought he might be reluctant to shoot the bedroom scenes. The only thing he declined to wear was a jockstrap by itself out in the garden. We did the shoot at a private garden cottage up in the Hollywood Hills and shot some Calvin Klein, DKNY and Speedo swimwear. The shots I took of Harry in the shower were particularly fun to do! In the nine years I've been working with models here at International Jock, he's undoubtedly one of the best and I’m sure he has a big career ahead of him. After the shoot, we sat down for a quick interview: Q: Harry, I've really enjoyed working with you on the two shoots we've done. But I know that you’d never done any underwear or swimwear modeling before. What was it like for you? Harry: Well, it seemed a bit weird at first. Made me a little nervous. But I’m got used to the idea and it was actually quite a good time. Wearing the briefer, skimpy items was a bit odd but no matter, the pay was great. Q: What kind of underwear do you usually wear? Harry: I almost always wear boxer briefs. Q: Do you wear anything to bed? Do you sleep in the nude or wear pajamas or what? Harry: Most often I wear a pair of my boxer briefs and a t-shirt when I sleep. Q: And what about for swimming or a day at the beach. What do you wear? Harry: I like to wear board shorts. I’m excited to be in L.A. because I’m eager to try my hand at surfing again – I surfed a bit in Spain when I lived there and it was really fun. Q: How do you feel about the idea that there will be all these photos of you wearing underwear on the internet and men and women will be lusting after you? Harry: Well, again, it seems a bit weird but I’m Ok with it. When you’re a model it’s part of the job. Q: How old are you and where did you grow up? Harry: I’m 20 years old and will be 21 in August. I was born in Bath, England and went to school there for a while. Then my family moved to Alicante, Spain where I lived for nine years. Then I moved back to England to be with my girlfriend in London. She was a dancer and it was through her that I met a modeling agent in London and got my start. Q: Did you learn to speak Spanish? Harry: Oh yes, I speak it fluently – it should help me a lot living here in Los Angeles Q: What kind of work did you do before you started modeling? Harry: I was in construction and did air conditioning work, plumbing and general construction of all kinds. It was hard work and I did it seven days a week for quite a while. Q: How do you like being a model compared to working in construction? Harry: What can I say – it is just so different. Q: You’ve got an incredible body. How do you stay in shape – do you work out or play sports? Harry: My body looks pretty good just naturally I suppose. I really don’t go to the gym that much – maybe two or three times a week. When I was a schoolboy I played football and rugby, but prefer action sports. I love motocross and had my own bike and raced competitively when I was a teenager. Q: Wasn’t that dangerous? Harry: Yeah. It seems like I spent half my life in hospital! (laughs) I had quite a few crash ups. Broke my leg and hip, cracked my skull once, broke some ribs and got pretty banged up. I do like to live life on the edge though. I have that need for speed – jet skiing, motocross, anything fast. I also like shooting. Q: Hunting or target shooting? Harry: Mainly target shooting. I’ve only been in Los Angeles for a little over a week and have already found a range and have gone shooting. It’s brilliant. Q: What about your diet, do you eat anything special to keep your body in shape? Harry: I like the usual stuff, meat and salads, spinach, nothing out of the ordinary. I eat a lot too. I suppose I am a high-energy person and burn a lot of calories. Q: How long do you plan to stay in the States? Harry: Well, I have a return ticket back to the UK the first week of July, but I love it here and the modeling career seems to be going well so my agent wants me to stay on. I probably will stay for awhile – not sure how long – maybe a year or two if I get on well. Q: What is most surprising to you about L.A.? How is it different that what you expected? Harry: No roundabouts, so many fast food places and driving on the right side of the road is more of a challenge than I had expected. Q: What about your family – tell me about them? Harry: My parents are both very cool. I have a brother who’s two years older than I am. We used to fight a lot when we were young, but we get along famously now. He’s at University now. Q: What about your ethnic makeup? Are you totally British or a mixture of something else? Harry: I’m 100% English. My family has lived in Bath England for as far back as anyone can remember. But I really preferred the lifestyle in Spain to that in England. The weather is so much better and it’s much more laid back. And, so far, I’m enjoying L.A. better than England too. Q: What happened to your girlfriend? Harry: We broke up in England about a month ago. It was really painful after four years with her, but it was because of that change that I guess I got motivated to make a move and come here to L.A. and so far it’s been brilliant. Q: So you’re single and available? Harry: Yes! (laughs)
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