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Everything posted by phenobarbie

  1. Best Face: Daria Best Abs: Daria Best Smile: Daria Best Eyes: Daria Best Nose: Alessandra Best Eyes: Alessandra
  2. On principal Juliana... not big on the 15 year olds in fashion.. kinda disturbs me when they're half naked. Call me a prude or an adult who doesn't have sick fantasies about children. If you have these fantasies you should probably be smacked or castrated or have your eyes removed.. and your hands.. and probably have any children you might possibly have now or in the future taken away before it becomes a problem because you're a horrible human being. Lots of love everyone.. lots of love.
  3. Body: Miranda Lips: Miranda *just stares at the pictures* uhhh... no comment
  4. I'm not saying she doesn't look beautiful but she does look pregnant at least to me. I could be wrong but *shrug* regardless that's my opinion on the debate that we all seem to be having.
  5. Well to touch base on a sensitive subject I'm going to give my opinion on the ongoing debate as to whether or not Alessandra is pregnant. My brilliant deduction is... yes. First off just look at the way she's carrying, her hips are pressed a bit more forward in most of her pictures; quite common in pregnant women as they start to readjust their stances to accomadate the extra weight settling in between/above their hips. Her stomach is starting to distend... not all over but in the general lower midriff region again a common occurance in pregnant women. Look at the above pictures and tell me she doesn't look pregnant and there will be a lot of staring on my part. I could be wrong but I really don't think I am. Either she's pregnant or her agent's are going to be freaking out and she's liable to lose a fair amount of contracts due to weight gain. I don't know about all of you but I have personal experience in the pregnancy department and I know how I carried and I know how I looked and in the early stages of my pregnancy I looked very similiar to her at least in the middle region. Here's me at 5 months... Here's me at 8 months... That is me sticking my stomach out as far as I possibly can in both pictures. Yes, I took pictures of my stomach to prove to friends and family that weren't in the general area that I was pregnant... Does it look at all similiar to the way Alessandra is carrying... at least the first picture of my stomach in comparision to her stomach and what we've seen of it to date?
  6. Oh jesus where do I start... Well first off my vote goes to Alessandra.. just on principal. Where is Alessandra's butt in that picture? Seriously see toes.. see back.. see head... not so much the butt. See fabric. Will say this though, that is an outstanding picture of Laetita's ass I however have seen other pictures of it and they're not so flattering. Alessandra's other pictures that show the butt are more flattering.. much much more. I still haven't gotten beyond Laetita's runway walk in the VS show... it makes me giggle just thinking about it.... and it's not a pleasant giggle. Laetita's butt makes me want to pick it.. to remove the underwear from the crack... it's kinda painful looking. It's shiny and metallic assfloss. The sand is distracting from the overall image and the panties look like they're containing/restraining some excess baggage. Sorry people personal opinion... Alessandra's butt ... well who wears polka dot underwear are we twelve people.. cause I know I'm not. You can barely see tushy above the dots... lots of big dots.. so distracting. A thong would have been more appropriate or a g-string.. not so much with the boy-shorts or granny panties. ALESSANDRA x3
  7. Best Abs: Null Best Nose: Null Best Walk: Alessandra Best Cleavage: Isabeli Best Hair: Alessandra Best Butt: Isabeli
  8. Sisely x5. All I can say.. is omg.. love Nicole and if that ad is trying to sell sex.. it wins hands down.
  9. Normally I love Isabeli but that's a rather weak ad and let's face it G-spot is hawt... yes I said it. Gucci gets my vote.
  10. What... is... she... doing? Because I definately don't know and based on her actions I don't think she really does either. Go go laetita for promoting VS right? I wonder why they never put her back on the runway. Let's face it VS is both runway and magazines.... she just doesn't have it for half of what they represent thus she fails. Ana gets my vote.
  11. Legs: Ana Hair: Ana Smile: On principal Izabel Legs: Izabel.. best features she has are her legs and ass.. and the rear end view is hot. Eyes: Izabel Face: ol' rat face vs. ol' leather face.. rat face wins. Izabel
  12. 10+2 does not equal 10.... *stares* I don't understand...
  13. Shalom is beautiful.. but I've got to level the playing field after that -10... Besides Raica has a great butt.. and I mean great! so Raica x10
  14. Yanno doutzen doesn't have bad lips but in that picture.. she has a cold sore... EPIC FAIL... anyways Lips: Bianca Onward ho.. if you're going to give one person a side profile for nose.. cause lets face it side profiles are the most flattering you'd think you would give both of them the same playing field.. Looks like the referee is being biased. Regardless because I know what Bianca's nose looks like. Nose: Bianca Again level playing fields ever heard of them? Funny how one smile is a cover girl smile, perfect and pretty and oh so bright.. the other looks more like she's smirking... Hmm... not a smile. Again I know what Bianca's smile looks like... Smile: Bianca Though I will say this you probably picked one of Bianca's more flattering walks.. and doutzen's least flattering walks.. She looks kinda like the pilsbury doughboy. Her bottom half is kinda thick looking. It's a long profile shot and it's not flattering. It's in slow motion not flattering.. slow motion is very very rarely overly flattering. Sorry. So based on what you put up for the walk.. Walk: Bianca
  15. Prada.. looks blue screened and badly at that. Model in studio with blue or green screen.. then plastered over decent looking environmental scene.. yay.. not my thing. Paciotti x5
  16. Just because a handful of editors chose those pictures/models for the cover does not mean that the rest of the world happens to agree with them that they embody SI. This competition was about personal opinion and who embodies SI for everyone. We don't always agree with every editor and their choices, it's our personal opinion on what's attractive, what sells... They try and hit a large target group, that doesn't mean they always succeed. I personally have bought magazines not because of who was on the cover but because of who was in it or what was in it. The cover doesn't spell out the magazine to me. Nor does the number of appearances a select model makes in a magazine mean that they embody said magazine more then another model. Some models have other contracts, some have to take time off for real life, for children.. for family. So because they aren't in the magazine 6 times in a row they don't embody SI? Well if that's how you feel that's fine, but I disagree. Now before this turns into a he said she said high school drama fest, lets get back to the main point. This is about a competition on who embodies SI.. The competition is over.. thus this conversation at least on my part is over now. Thank you for your points, and your opinion. For your information I don't dislike you I just happen to disagree with a few of your personal opinions. We're two different people.. that's bound to happen more then once. Have a nice night.
  17. While both editorials are pretty I took a few art classes and I have some issues with the Dior add myself. First off it's just washed out, and while the model is predominatly blurred out and the product is brought into focus the overall layout of the pictures just don't work for me. The way Kate is positioned; the lines of her body lead you out of the picture. However, Fendi while it has some of the same problems the layers in the pictures lead you in a circular pattern. They lead you out towards the edge of the picture only to lead you back in. Whether it's a word or a picture layered over it keeps you focused on the picture and thus on the product. While Kate's add is very pretty it doesn't make me want to buy the product, it doesn't keep me focused on the product. So in this instance Fendi gets my vote x5.
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