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Adrianas Llama

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Everything posted by Adrianas Llama

  1. arent all kisses in france technically french? .. .. yeah i know very lame well done lol... we don't call it french kiss over here anyways what is it called?
  2. arent all kisses in france technically french? .. .. yeah i know very lame
  3. ^ thats hot! turns out lightning doesnt strike twice. i tried to duplicate a piece i did with Alessandra *sigh* might as well post anyway. as for the quote. im just god damn sick of writing "adrina lima" on wallpapers. suggestions welcomed.
  4. so many posts.. so little of value to say *sigh* *runs away*
  5. Taxi... Gisele was in this... why?? probably to make up for having to see Queen Latifa in a really skimpy nightdress *trembles*
  6. people who are incapable of answering questions properly.. i.e. shedding no light on what you asked. key words like "why" and "who" usually beg for explanation rather than having something bounced back at me <_< or simply what was obviously implied by my question in the first place.
  7. dont you need to be a member of the press or something? who knows, im pretty sure they dont just hand out that type of thing to the general public or everyone would have one. wish i could help you more matey
  8. a distant memory... ... *flees*
  9. yeah well at least i dont sound like a fucking dumbass all the time. Dont you have a gun battle to go get shot in?.. gangsta?
  10. that made no sense. like none at all. Edit: PS whats a mean-tion. that whole last sentance... more confusing than your cumulative efforts to try and form a rebutting argument
  11. come to think of it, it would have been a fine fine day for any pick pocket, groper or just run of the mill prankster. who did it? the guy in the mask
  12. I think YOU missed the point. didnt he profess his love in the end? <_< nice argument
  13. edited ya whiny twa-... *coughs* yeah because you suck <_<. actually to be honest i cheated and got me an audiobook version of it ... but that doesnt make you any less sucky
  14. *bumps* soon meanwhile the church is like launching a campaign at the same time as a movie to try and quash what its trying to say. wow nervous much
  15. discussions about religion. what a dumb excuse for mud slinging. like you have to be looking for a fight because you know not everyones gonna agree <_<
  16. your a pocket protector and a pair of thick lensed glasses away from complete dweeb.
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