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Everything posted by Munichmarty

  1. Thanks for loading it down :kiss: , you are the best :hug: , even if you don´t speak Chinese . I hope youtube is doing it´s job soon , so we will see the first part of the show . ( I tell you a secret: I don´t speak any Asian language , but I think I am a hardcore fan of Mathias , so I find Mathias everywhere in the web no matter if it´s in Asian , Danish ot Martian . )
  2. Hi faget, We are not crazy . Don´t tell me you would not enjoy all 7 points ! Hi controversiaster, the hayday picture is sooooooooo hot! Let´s start with 7 !
  3. My favourite " shy-guy" picture. I only want to hug him. :hug:
  4. STRAIGHT IT IS THEN! So we decided Mathias is straight, we should write a letter and tell him !
  5. My hompage is called " Mad about the boys"

    I shouls rename it because I am only mad about Mathias.

    http://munichmarty.livejou rnal.com/

  6. www.vixy.net Sometimes you must be patient, but it works.
  7. Before I started to write I drank a big glas of water. I bought the book : Neris and India´s Idiot-Proof diet from India Knight and Neris Thomas ( in Germam : Das Speck- weg programm ) I started 2 weeks ago and I am loosing weight without being hungry. At the moment I am aloud to eat only protein, fat and vegetables and salad. I love salad so it´s not a problem. I have to drink a lot of water I go for long walks now, but as soon as my bike is repaired I will cycle a lot.
  8. Hi M--- !

    Near Stuttgart!

    I am so glad that I don

  9. Omgosh! Thank you That explains why it seemed familiar... I probably saved it as a Mathias picture a long time ago :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. Oh guys; on the right picture is MATHIAS !!!!! Here are the pictures on Oh Danish Boy! http://www.mathias-lauridsen.com/gallery/t...ls.php?album=41
  11. jajajajaajajajajjaajajajaj yeah, if he's gay i'll take him, without a doubt Anyway, nobody could stop us to get him in our dream Which dreams ? ! !
  12. Hi Steven,

    Back again at the Mathias thread . I missed you.

    Greetings Martina

  13. The fake Mathias on My Space wrote that he is bi. I think faget wrote about it, that Mathias is sooooooooo straight. And that´s what I think. If not faget can marry him . But who cares we won´t get him anyway :cry2: .
  14. Thanks to valenciapayaso ( modelhommes ) 10 men #14 Not his best pictures , but some make me :drool: :drool:
  15. I know we shall not repost . But until we get new pictures of my one and only favorite model I decided to post my favorite runway pictures.
  16. Hallo Controversiaster,

    Mir geht es gut, ich habe Ferien und in Deutschland ist endlich Fr

  17. Looks a bit as if there was a hot party yesterday.
  18. Come on ! Don´t tell me you want this view in the morning or that guy lying on your bed ! You must be crazy if not :drool: :drool:
  19. Hi controversiaster, welcome to the Mathias thread ! Quote : I totally agree, a friend of mine told me what he was like (she dressed him, her pic with him is SOMEWHERE in this thread, not too sure if the people who posted it actually asked her for permission...) and she said that he was cute, sweet and polite and also extremely shy. Not bad for a top model, eh? Are you talking about this picture? About the permission, this picture was posted somewhere else before. And the girl( realy pretty) and Mathias - they look so nice together. Somwhere else there was a comment that no girl wants Mathias as a boyfriend because he is always the prettier one.
  20. Completely! Seriously, there is something about Mathias that I just can't quite resist.... :drool: From the Dansk fasion Award party:
  21. OMG ! Thanks Faith! On the left picture he looks as if he can´t believe that he got the price !
  22. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: photographer Ryan Yoon, October 2007
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