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Everything posted by carmellababe

  1. carmellababe


    If you think this is the greatest VSFS ever say "I" !!!!
  2. carmellababe


    YAY!!! I WIN!!!!! And it sucks that they pulled that Marisa pic! You talked about it in another part of the forum Prettyphile. But we as the fans and supporters of VS should be able to see the pics now!!!!! I agree Spades. You would think that with the millions upon millions of fans they would at least be a little nice
  3. Yeah because we all know what she's capable of like '06 and '05 she nearly stole the show. Last year, well lets just say PERSONALLY I wish she didnt even show up and humiliate herself.
  4. I just hope Adriana cleans up her act and doesnt act like a 5 year old on the runway again this year
  5. carmellababe


    You know I remember that as well. But mabye we will get lucky since its in Miami this year. Mabye they will start to shoot them out earlier
  6. why does the only backstage picture of Adriana that ive seen tonight have to be such an odd one?
  7. gahh im so nervous! I hope Adriana blows them all away like she easily can do! haha that sounded a bit mean
  8. so they really do change clothes into all of that funkystuff in under what? 5 minutes?
  9. It's nearly 7PM in Miami, so the first taping has finished and the second will start in an hour. thanks alot i always wonderd how they could change clothes so fast
  10. does anyone know when the show itself starts?
  11. Adriana Lima FTW!! haha sorry I had to
  12. She's only wearing the wings ONCE this year correct?
  13. I think its great she is opening the show again, she did wonderful doing it last year!
  14. it doesnt look like she's lost ALL of her baby fat
  15. hehe adriana seems kinda grumpy in that interview. i dont think she was too crazy about that reporter, i know i wasnt she got pretty annoying
  16. could someone do me like a SUPER favor and make a wall paper of her and Alessandra from the 2007 show in the opening part of them walking down the runway? like could someone put the two pics together to where it seems they are on it together?
  18. gah Izabel is looking great!!
  19. So has anyone actually gotten to speak to Adriana? I've seen her and and got to take a picture with her but never got to actually say more than "hello" and "thank you" because it was like a fan event. But I hear she's SUPER nice.
  20. izatiny.bmp never seen this before is it new to anyone besides me? and if it isnt do they have it a bit bigger? izatiny.bmp izatiny.bmp
  21. never seen this pic sorry if repost
  22. is it just me? or is Adriana's boyfriend not too attractive :yuckky:
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