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Joe > Average

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Status Updates posted by Joe > Average

  1. I can't find the Lisa Barbuscia topic. If she or a representative didn't request a deletion, you can restart it.

    1. parisienne


      Joe, how do we know if a deletion has been requested?

    2. missparker7


      Yes, how do we know if a deletion has been requested? And this means we have to create it new?

  2. Can you believe that this is a 13 year old singing???





    She updated it and got 13 million views in a month too.




  3. Laura German may not be an Emmy winner...but it looks like her white don't crack.

  4. This was on Amazon's home page. 



  5. I don't need a holiday to rock out to this.



    1. Prettyphile


      I'm so ready! Even my cereal is ready lol





    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I haven't had the Carmella Creeper. I needs it. :chicken:


      The culture needs this new AMS to be good too.

  6. She's a cute Little Debbie cupcake.


  7. I meant to hit 'Superfan' for this commie baddie.



    1. Prettyphile


      I got it, thanks for letting me know babe.

  8. In all of your research and to your knowledge, have you ever heard of any ancient civilization who thought that people from other countries, with other cultures that spoke different languages were the same people based on skin color? I haven't found one. 

    1. Prettyphile


      It's less common to find instances in ancient civilizations where people solely thought others from different cultures, who spoke different languages, were the same based purely on skin color. Ancient societies often had more nuanced and complex views of people from various regions, even if they did sometimes use physical characteristics as part of their categorizations. While there might not be a perfect example that exactly matches the criteria you mentioned, there were certainly cases of oversimplification and misunderstanding due to limited interactions and information.




    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I'm starting to think that ancient civilizations are not given enough credit. Even looking at the Saxon wars, I don't think they considered the Danes to be the same people whereas many today would say they are both white, so of course they are the same. I also feel like a distinct culture from say a Nigerian and a 5th generation white person from Alabama is alien to a 5th generation Russian and so on.

    3. Prettyphile


      Absolutely! Ancient civilizations tend to get boiled down to simple ideas, but in reality, they were more complex than we give them credit for. Take your example of the Saxon wars. It's unlikely that they saw the Danes as the same just because they both had light skin. Nowadays, it's easy to think that skin color is the only factor, but that's not how people then or even now really see it. Ancient societies didn't have the same rigid ideas about race that we do today. They had their own ways of understanding differences among people, which were much more flexible.

  9. Kindof hard to see myself simping to the superfan level. :mellow:

    1. Prettyphile


      omg I've missed you! Where have you been?!

    2. Joe > Average

      Joe > Average

      I don't like posting on the phone and all my laptops are fucked up. The dell just has a blue screen, another one won't come on, need new chargers for others. I'm one of those people with money who is still cheap. :ninja: 

    3. Prettyphile


      Well you've been missed. Been worried about you due to the heat. Hope you and your family are doing well, and hopefully you can get your laptop(s) up and running soon ❤️

  10. I was in the store the other day and a Queen song was playing and it gave me a weird thought. Are we doomed to never have great music again? As new music goes, I hear some good music from time to time, but most of it is terrible objectively to my ears. 

  11. Don't know shit about the shooting, but I'm still riding with Alex Jones. :idk:

  12. I know an inbred trailer woman who puts firecrackers in her ass that could be Frida Aasen's twin.

  13. Gabriela Salles looks like early 90s Michael Jackson. 

    1. Prettyphile


      LOLOLOL Can't unsee

  14. Who is the model in your avatar?

    1. selyoink


      Lucia Bramani

  15. Ahem...



    1. Prettyphile


      That's my boy! I almost added him to the avatar.

  16. I was a bit late, but edited the thread.

  17. I was a bit late on deleting those posts, but removed the whole discussion. 👍🏾 May be a small consolation, but she is pretty without makeup. :ninja:

  18. When the captain of the football team sounds like the guy who gets his lunch money stolen. :rofl:




    There is so much here that I could write a book, but shows so much of what is wrong about our society. 

  20. Just heard this for the first time recently. I believe there is some parallel universe where it is a hit.



    1. Prettyphile


      I just listened to it and I'm getting the same mandela effect... I feel like this used to be a popular song.... but cannot for the life of place where or when. o.o

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