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Everything posted by penny-dreaddfull

  1. ^^ welcome!! <3 orig. posted by prettyphile in the lana zakocela thread
  2. ^^^ dude, seriously???? why do people feel compelled to spam This particular thread?? edit* by the way... congrats, michael! <33 lololol
  3. aaah! young love.. i envy you! that little flat sounds like freakin heaven


  4. i know right?!?!?!?!

    its barons fault..... he posted it.. and within the day lms had it resized and ready


  5. she Def. has that ralph lauren appeal. glad to see her back!!
  6. <3 the color palette in this edit! she looks beyond sweet @ chanel
  7. so sexy for dsquared!! thank you, ladies! im still half hearteedly hoping shell make a last minute yet epic come back! *fingers crossed
  8. ^ she still has that sweet mischievous/cute gleam in her eye that she had back in the day
  9. penny-dreaddfull

    Now Playing

    this must be the place- talking h eads
  10. yeah... i used to get all worked up about the closed minds that live here *shrug*my only refuge has been finding lke-minded people who make me forget about the fucknuttery afoot <_<



  11. **wearing the stare of an asskicker

  12. ya know, i understand your solidarity w/ your homeslice lms- but you aint the boss of me!

  13. HAH!

    of course u get hearts



    i love viggo, but my dude obsession is timothy olyphant

  14. hahaha... i see im being 'double teamed' as it were *shifty* thats o.k.- i got enough ultraviolence for the twos of yous

    and you get No HEARTS this time

    *into asskicking pose*

  15. good thing im forgiven... i was gonna have to p;ull out all the stops and give you huge disney eyes w/ tears shimmering in them lololol

    we might have to duel to the death for viggo, tho


  16. youve got a baby boo??!?!?! details! pictures! enjoy that shit! shell be grown in a blink of an eye. mine's in college, and i can remember him being a baby boo like it was yesterday. i envy you!!


  17. yeah.... i get my resize, then i nev er call.. im kinda like a guy that way... lollolololololol!!actually, that was awfully rude of me.. forgive??


  18. from his modelling days... allesandro dell aqua and prada ads and of course, boondock saints
  19. Hellz YES!! reedus is a sexy mofo hes been doing too many of those crappy syfy movie of the week things lately.. but i guess who am i to judge? norman and helena made a beautiful baby together i have some pics of helena and norman modelling together, i just need to find them
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