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Everything posted by jal718

  1. Here is about half of the Glamour's I have. [attachmen =328351:Glamour_284.jpg] [attachmen =328356:Glamour_387.jpg]
  2. I've got a decent collections of her photo's. [attac ment=328186:Elle_286.jpg]
  3. [attac ment=328085:00_Swim_Vol_3.jpg]
  4. No more Elle's, Cosmo or Vogue.
  5. [attach ent=328038:Tear_She...inter_99.jpg][a tachment=328040:Fit_Style.jpg]
  6. Lot's, anything in particular there?
  7. All the Glamour's I have. No Mademoiselle and no American Vogue. [attachmen =328029:Glamour_684.jpg]
  8. Yes, quite a few of Christie, anthing in particular?
  9. Here are the Mademoiselle's that I have and yes, I have good collections of the other models you mentioned. attachment=328014:Mademoiselle_480.jpg][ ttachment=328016:Mademoiselle_581.jpg][a tachment=328018:Mademoiselle_682.jpg][a tachment=328020:Mademoiselle_1280.jpg]
  10. I do not have Beverly Johnson and check out Renee now.
  11. I have more of her covers then any of the other early supermodels. Enjoy, her Vogue covers were some of my favoties.
  12. I looked through my older files and don't have it.
  13. Here are a few that I have, will post more later.
  14. Here you are. [attachmen =327947:Glamour_580.jpg]
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