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Everything posted by TooBoku

  1. Somewhat under... she deserves the limelight right now. She made Transformers that much better with her hotness. Angelina Jolie
  2. I really really hate it when some punk assed DJ messes around with other people's music. Especially when their skills are way beyond what the DJ could ever hope for. I bet the DJ who mixed this can't even read music. ===== I've been watching you Dad, ain't that cool I'm your buckaroo Wanna be like you And eat all my food And grow as tall as you are....
  3. I think so too. I lost weight but I want to lose 5 more to weight exactly 1oo pounds You were doing okay until this line... 105 is perfectly fine. Let's say you were even at only 12% bodyfat, which professional female bodybuilders usually only hit during competition and have no intention of staying that skinny, that only leaves you with 92lbs of lean mass. My guess is that if you still have room to lose fat, you've probably got even less lean mass than that. It's not very good for your metabolism, immune systems, overall strength, and health in general. PS. The fruit thing, show some documentation to support that because fruit never gives me the runs. Plus the carbohydrates in sweeter fruits (watermelon, cantaloupe, cherries, and such) are very simple... meaning they break down into glucose pretty quickly and therefore you have to use it quickly or else it MAY be converted into fat. Fruit is good for you anyway though, just don't over do it. They key is synergy through balance.
  4. I'm not a fan of most diet pills either. The two that are getting really popular now, Yohimbe and Hoodia work alright but Yohimbe has some messed up side effects. Yohimbe is banned in Canada because of that. Hoodia is an apetite supressant so the calculation is eat less, weight less. This is true but just because you eat less, doesn't necessarily me you would be eating the right types of food. There's really no instant method of losing weight. The only healthy, tried and true way is to keep a balanced calorie count for the weight you want to be and combine it with fat burning exercise. However, if you want something to aid your fat loss, green tea has two active ingredients in it that I think work wonders. The first is epigallocatechin gallate. In several clonical test, it's been proven to speed up fat oxidation and thermogenesis. The second, if probably the best ergonenic substance in the world, it definately my favourite... caffeine. After a matter of minutes, it enters your bloodstream and metabolizes your fat, getting it ready to use for fuel when you exercise.
  5. is this against the rules? I - Inglebert
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