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Everything posted by JanePetersg

  1. Walking outdoors is such a simple yet effective way to boost mood and clear your mind. Plus, the fresh air and change of scenery can work wonders. And you're spot on about the stress-relief benefits of weightlifting or running, even if it's just for a quick sweat session. Sometimes, medication can play a crucial role in managing symptoms, especially for conditions like borderline personality disorder. If anyone's interested, I came across this resource on paranoia and delusions in dementia patients. It's worth checking out for anyone seeking more information or support https://www.mentalhealth.com/disorder/dementia/paranoia-and-delusions-in-dementia-patients . Also, I wanted to mention that while exercise is incredibly helpful, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone dealing with depression.
  2. I began to practice it few days ago and still learning a lot in this field.
  3. Old thread but anyway I think it's ok to do plastic surgery or try botox because even if there are many cases where there are negative effects or things like that, there are many other cases when everything goes well and the effects are amazing. I personally kept using botox to hide my wrinkles and I was really excited about the effect. I turned to https://www.cosmeticsurgeryforyou.com/botox-lynnwood-kirkland-bellevue/ because I saw many good reviews about them and even if it was risky, I tried. I recommend with confidence.
  4. I hate to hear stories where someone cheats on someone else in a relationship because I personally think this is the worst thing a person can do in a relationship. Unfortunately, I went through something like that and I was very disappointed. Now I am in a new relationship but I feel that I am afraid of being wrong. I also did twin flame tarot reading to make sure we are compatible and even though the result showed that we are created for each other, I still feel fear inside me.
  5. I have never been against Instagram. Especially, against bloggers or simple members who try to inspire others to lead an active life. Even if they imply a lot of advertisements in their content. Profiles with winter sports content are very inspirational and motivational. Skiing Instagram accounts, which I follow with admiration, are @legoskierbro, @oldschoolers, @jerryoftheday, @gimbalgod, and @skichef. All these accounts mentioned have a lot of followers and are quite promoted from all perspectives. Probably, they searched for how to buy Instagram likes video views and followers regularly to keep the high ranks. All in all, skiing is going the right direction on Instagram.
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