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Everything posted by svetlyak

  1. The 15th of December, i bellive. As mine Oh shit i messed it up, Snejana was born December 15th, not Dasha, sorry!
  2. I hate the cold weather here & hockey Lol But wait where did Russia came from anyways, she's Ucranian lol, but still.. similar cultures like i said earlier I'l give you a litle lesson of our history: when Darias aprants were born, and even when daria was born, it was 1 counry called USSR and main (political) part was that part which right now called Russian Federation . And way before than her parents were born it was still 1 counry and Ukreinian elite horse riding forces used to be the only ones who was allowed to secure the epirer of country called Russian Empire which had the same flag as Russia right now. Now its two different govermants but people are still brothers and keep seeing them self as a nation of some country wich is not Asia and not Europe, but stays betwin them.
  3. i think b/c thier family bacame too northamerican I gess, but i'v heard that Canada and Russia are somuch alike... Omg that's the most radiculous thing ever, becouse it's like the total opposite.. believe me I am from Bulgaria and our (& the whole Eastern European) culture it's very close to the russian and there is nothing alike to the north american.. i mean the difference is enourmous it's worlds apart.. our culture is sooooooo much better and traditional and warmer and well.. while Canada does not have much of a culture.. I'm sure ppl that have moved from Eastern Europe to North America know exacly what I mean Agreed ppl who moved to Canada they like their own culture beter, thats why Russians trying to leave in the Russian area of Canada and Bulgarians trying to leave in Bulgarian area. And those areas keep up traditions of original culture. So when i sayed that Canada and Rassia are alike i ment giografic and weather wise not people and culture. :yuckky:
  4. i think b/c thier family bacame too northamerican I gess, but i'v heard that Canada and Russia are somuch alike...
  5. ow she looks so cute like a litle dall
  6. Its cute but not healthy...I bat she sleeps with smokes too!
  7. Oh wow ! :| Amazing pics. Sasha i want you to know that if you'd ask me to let you bite my neck i would say go for it, feel free! :evil:
  8. damn if russian women can scare i dont know what to say bout whole nation than
  9. Damn its so good, i love the way it smels! If i would be a girl, igees i would use those a lot and D&G "light blue" too, but i think iwouldnt know what kind of smell guys prefer on me if would be a girl
  10. My parents dont call me dasha ether but yeh there are few ways, as i sayed. And i like Dashka beter, couse it makes me feel closer...
  11. No you are so wrong! She's just a litle elf, she's from forest, she's all new to that world and a bit scared. We people have to take care of her and show her the best side of our world.
  12. You dont have to find her special or attractiv, clients have to, and so far they do, and she does her thing...people rmember her, she'v got her fans and all that shit.... :evil:
  13. Who is Dashka well its like slang i think, or i'd say that Daria is official name, the way it typed in passport and documentation, and Dashka(Dasha, Dashen'ka) is un official way to call her, i dont know ussualy parents and freinds usin' unofficial way in Russia...and that helps to feel yonger if some one calls you easy
  14. Dashka is great, i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. that is scary yeh, it kills, and she gota do something with her smile, she just lost it hope not forever!
  16. vot eto rech... respect... i'd say wecould'v if we want'v, but so far no1 gives a damn back there!
  17. I would say that its a test shoot
  18. I strongly believe they have nothing in common except their ethnic group I just heard that Stas has yonger sister or cusen, so though Vlada the 1. But if shes not then yeh they may become a nice cuple, and iwould say then theyare not related yet.
  19. do you know if she and Stas Svetlichnyy related some how? they look simmilar to me, may be brother and sister?
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