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Everything posted by mayaku

  1. -gushes- i love love love love doutzen. i just discovered her yesterday and i was like 'O: pretty girl where have I been?!' i mean, i just love her overall, her lips are like PERFECT and she's just fgbjfbgdfjgfd. anyways, hey. ;D i was here before and kinda just poofed, but you know, yeah. =D
  2. oh god, thank you so flippin' much. you're my new hero.
  3. Oh, Im pretty sure it's from 2005.
  4. so I've been looking for the pictures from an editorial called Skip Tracer by Magnus Unnar, and I can't find them anywhere, please help?
  5. [claps] Piercings are oh so fun! I just have three in each ear, and I have my tongue pierced, I really want a tattoo, but my mom won't let me. <_< At least she let me get my tongue done, which is what I wanted the mostest! xD Oh let me say tattos on guys are sexy xD
  6. The song Daddy's Little Girl by Frankie J makes me bawl my eyes out, especially the video. : ( sadness.
  7. Ah, i don't like their music all that much, they have a few good songs but nothing WOW in my opinion. But I love Dulce and Chris. XD
  8. I think he's a damn fine daddy, and I love his music<3 but maybe thats just 'cuz I'm latina, I find him especially fine. What are you guys talking about? All of my family is tall...well except for the father, but he's another story.
  9. welcome to the forum i love your sig/ava Oh thank you!!! :]
  10. I love him, he's like a god in my eyes. Ugh, I can't stand how sexy he is.
  11. Okay so I've been sitting here lurking around like the nice little stalker I am. I just joined and all and just simply had to say how much I love Stam, she's the definition of gorgeous. If I was a guy, I swear...
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