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Everything posted by legman

  1. 1.Faith Hill 2.Karolina Kurkova 3.Heidi Klum 4.Ale Ambrosio 5.Carrie Underwood 6.Maria Sharapova 7.Hana Soukupova 8.Jennifer Lopez 9.Maggie Grace 10.Cindy Crawford
  2. Not sure why she got a boob job? Especially with a body like that.
  3. Drop Dead Gorgeous! :drool: Hope we can get some HQ's!
  4. I guess being 37 and having 4 kid's we really shouldnt complain. Many of these girl's dont last more than 2-3 yr's. I thought she still might have stayed on as a spokes-model but I guess not. Oh well. She certainly had a great run.
  5. legman


    She looks gorgeous in these! Thx!
  6. I definitely see a "Jenny Craig" contract in her future.
  7. Jessica look's like the one who has had three kid's.
  8. That she does. Her biggest problem is not so much the weight but where she gains it. Right in her midsection. Women who carry a little extra weight in there booty and hip's are perceived as sexy. In there stomach? Not so much.
  9. Thx for the awesome Elsa add's James! Keep em' coming!
  10. Thx for all the great pic's Sanja!
  11. legman


    That body was born to wear a bikini! :drool:
  12. Incredible shots of the lovely KK!
  13. legman


    Thx for these incredible pic's! :drool:
  14. Thx for all the updates!
  15. Thx for the updates!..I wish we could get some HQ stuff but beggars cant be choosers I guess.
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